Questions Control
  • 05 Jun 2024
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Questions Control

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo

Supported Controls

 The following form controls are supported:

  • Textbox
  • Multiline Textbox
  • Checkbox
  • Drop Down List
  • Calendar
  • Cell Field
  • The Sum Field is also supported but is non-editable.


Questions Query

  • Connection : The database to pull results from.
  • Query : This is the form template that will be queried, and its results displayed on the question control, each row represented by a form instance. This can be considered your ‘Question Form’.
  • Query Filter : You can filter the returned results to be displayed even further using the query builder. Results can also be filtered dynamically using form fields if you wish to display questions by category, for example.

Answer Template

  • Form Template : When the user answers any question asked and saves a row, a new instance is created, and the input is saved to the template selected here. This can be considered your ‘Answer Form’.
  • Field Mapping : Allows you to automatically fill in a field from the current and/or question forms to the answer form.    

Grid Settings

  • Column Settings : Configures any columns you would like to display on the grid, from both the question form and the answer form.
  • Join Settings : This setting determines which answers are returned to the grid upon editing the form instance by joining the question form results with the answer form results. The fields chosen here are also auto mapped (from the query form to the answer form) upon saving a row, so it is important these fields are unique, or it could result in data loss.
  • Sort Column : Sorts the grid rows from the selected column. There will be no options here until at least one column has been added to the grid.
  • Sort Direction : Ascending or descending.
  • Allow Bulk Edit : Allows the user to edit and save multiple rows of data at once.

Example Setup

Create a Question Form.

Question forms are used to display questions and/or information on the grid and cannot be manipulated by the user.

  1. Create a new form.
  2. Add 3 textbox controls:
    • ‘Category’
    • ‘Question_1’
    • ‘Question_2’
  3. Add a Form ID Stamp named ‘Question_Id’.
  4. Save the form as ‘Questions’ and release.

Create an Answer Form.

When a user saves a row in the question control, it will create a new instance of this answer form with the information they entered.

  1. Create a new form. 
  2. Add 4 textbox controls:
    • ‘Answer_Text_1’
    • ‘Answer_Text_2’
    • ‘Question_Id’
    • ‘Answer_Id’
  3. Save and release the form as ‘Answers’.

Create instances of the Question Form.

Fill in a few ‘Questions’ forms. You can use the examples below or provide your own questions and categories:

Form 1

  • ‘Category’ : “Name”
  • ‘Question_1’: “First Name”
  • ‘Question_2’: “Middle Initial”

Form 2

  • ‘Category’ : “Name”
  • ‘Question_1’: “Last Name”
  • ‘Question_2’: “Maiden Name”

Form 3

  • ‘Category’ : “Age”
  • ‘Question_1’: “Date of Birth”
  • ‘Question_2’: “Are you over 21 years of age?”

Form 4

  • ‘Category’ : “Employment”
  • ‘Question_1’: “Title”
  • ‘Question_2’: “Salary”

Form 5

  • ‘Category’ : “Employment”
  • ‘Question_1’: “Start Date”
  • ‘Question_2’: “Supervisor”

Every question form filled in will populate a row in the question control. You can configure the grid to show one or more questions per row. If you wish to make the control dynamic, you can use the ‘Category’ field to organize questions into groups that a user can select. There are examples of both approaches below.

Static Grid Example

 Create a form/ update an existing form with one or more question control(s).

  1. Click and drag a question control onto the form.
  2. Create a Form ID Stamp called ‘Form_ID’.
  3. Configure the ‘Questions Query’ settings:
    1. Connection: Select the Form Database Query.
    2. Query: ‘Questions’
    3. Query Filter: Ignore this setting.
  1. Configure the ‘Answer Template’ settings:
    1. Form Template: ‘Answers’
    2. Field Mapping: 
      1. ‘Form_Id’ = ‘Answer_Id’
      2. ‘Question_Id(Query)’ = ‘Question_Id’
  1. Configure the ‘Grid Settings’:
    1. Column Settings: Add these columns in this order and save:
      1. ‘Question_1(Query)’
      2. ‘Answer_Text_1(Form)’
      3. ‘Question_2(Query)’
      4. ‘Answer_Text_2(Form)’
    2. Join Settings: Select ‘Form_Id’ from the first column, and ‘Question_Id’ from the second. Hit apply. Then save.
    3. Sort Column: Select ‘Question_1’.
    4. Sort Direction: Select ‘Ascending’.
    5. Allow Bulk Edit: If you wish to be able to fill in multiple question rows at once, check this option.
  1. Save the form and release.
  2. Fill in the form.
  3. The question control should display all questions previously entered, two per row.
  4. Fill in the questions as you see fit, save the form, and close.
  5.  Edit the form instance you just filled in. All the answers entered should be populated.

Dynamic Grid Example

Create a form/ update an existing form with one or more question control(s).

  1. Click and drag a question control onto the form.
  2. Create a Form ID Stamp called ‘Form_ID’.
  3. Create a Dropdown List called ‘Filter’. Populate the list with the names of the categories you created for the Questions form.
  4. Configure the ‘Questions Query’ settings:
    1. Connection: Select the Form Database Query.
    2. Query: ‘Questions’
    3. Query Filter: ‘Category’ = ‘Filter’.
  5. Configure the ‘Answer Template’ settings:
    1. Form Template: ‘Answers’
    2. Field Mapping: 
      1. ‘Form_Id’ = ‘Answer_Id’
      2. ‘Question_Id(Query)’ = ‘Question_Id’
  1. Configure the ‘Grid Settings’:
    1. Column Settings: Add these columns in this order and save:
      1. ‘Question_1(Query)’
      2. ‘Answer_Text_1(Form)’
    2. Join Settings: Select ‘Form_Id’ from the first column, and ‘Question_Id’ from the second. Hit apply. Then save.
    3. Sort Column: Select ‘Question_1’.
    4. Sort Direction: Select ‘Ascending’.
    5. Allow Bulk Edit: If you wish to be able to fill in multiple question rows at once, check this option.
  2. Save the form and release.
  3. Fill in the form.
  4. The question control should only display the first question from each ‘Questions’ instance from the category selected on the ‘Filter’ dropdown.
  5. Change the selected item to another category.
  6. Questions from the new category should now appear.
  7. Fill in the questions as you see fit, save the form, and close.
  8.  Edit the form instance you just filled in. All the answers entered should be populated, even upon switching categories.

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