Form Data Dashboards Master Document
  • 29 Sep 2021
  • 11 Minutos para leer
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  • Oscuro

Form Data Dashboards Master Document

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo


A Form Data Dashboard is the mechanism used in VisualVault that allows users to display multiple records of form data and then allow them to view, update, or modify data for a selected Form ID Card or Form data instance. It can be an administrative tool allowing owners of the form to view a combination of:

  • The form metadata (Form ID, create date, modified date, status, etc.) and the Field level data or
  • It can be a tool giving users in the business process data that they need to get their work done. 

It is recommended that the Form ID or Edit links be used as a way to navigate to the actual form. 

  • Users may also utilize the right-click accessible context menu to navigate to the form.  

Multiple dashboards may exist for any given form template and its instances. Users may also be restricted to only viewing the data from Form Dashboards depending upon permissions and the columns displayed in the published dashboard.

Form Dashboard Features 




This button can be used to set filters for the data that will be published in the dashboard.


Allows the user to print a subset of the displayed data.


Save the current dashboard with the current name or save the dashboard with a different name for modification.


Export the currently displayed details. Refer to Export Form Data for more information.


When Delete is enabled, allows for form records to be deleted from the dashboard.

Query Filter

Allows development of a filter using SQL combinations. For additional information, please refer to the section below.

Workflow Status

Allows filtering of the dashboard based on the status of a workflow for the form.

Batch Print

Allows for the selection of multiple forms to queue them into a job.  All selected form records will be placed into a PDF file where all forms can be printed at once.

  • This requires the Portal Module: User Notifications to be enabled as this is where the created PDF document can be accessed.


When enabled, this allows for multiple form records to be edited at one time to edit for specified form fields.

  • Enabled in Select Report Columns.
  • For additional details, please refer to the section [[]] below.

Configuration Options 

The below images appear in VisualVault from left to right.




Select Form Template

Used to select the primary form template that will be used in this dashboard. 

  • It is also possible to join another form template’s data.

Limit Results to Create By

This restricts the visibility of the form dashboard results to only forms a user has submitted.

Lock Status

Only allowed to see a specific workflow sequence as configured by the status dropdown at the top of the screen.

Enable Delete

Allows for the owner of the form template to delete an instance or multiple instances of form data.

Enable Automatic Refresh

Allows for an automatic refresh of the form dashboard to occur.

  • When enabled, the Refresh Interval in Minutes can be set.

Enable Deleted Fields

This allows form fields that were deleted from a form template to be visible in a form dashboard.

  • Please note, it is highly recommended to rename fields that will no longer be in use rather than delete them.

Join Data Source

This is a button located next to the Select Form Template drop-down.  Allows for configuration to join two forms into one dashboard.

Select Report Columns

Fields selected from Available Form Fields that display data in the dashboard.

  • It is also possible to enable Multi-Edit from this area.

Column Properties

This section only becomes visible when the pencil icon ( ) is selected above Select Report Columns.


Filtering Rows

When beginning a search in the dashboard, a filtering row appears.

Filtering Rows are used to narrow the results displayed on the published dashboard. 

  • Only Selected Report Columns will be visible in the filter. 
    • The exception to this rule is the Workflow Status column. Users may filter on this column even if it is not visible on the dashboard.

Data Results

The name of the dashboard and results are displayed in columns.

  • If a user is viewing a form dashboard, they will only see the menu and the data results displayed.
  • If a user is editing a form dashboard, they will see all of the configuration buttons listed in the above sections including the data results.





Create a New Form Dashboard

The following must be completed prior to ensure a dashboard can be created:

  • The desired form template would need to be released.
  • Desired form fields that should be added would need to be named something other than the default name.
    • Ex: DataField123 will not appear in the Available Form Fields, but First Name, Last Name, etc. will appear in the list.

Additionally, a user who creates the dashboard would need to be an owner to the form template, otherwise, the form template drop down will not have any forms listed.

To create a form dashboard:

  1. As an Owner to the template or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration.
    • This may be accessed from a menu using a different name depending on the organization.
  2. Use the New Dashboard button.   bnK_A-ytPe90P4hScFJL1z_QTd-cushllw
  3. In the Select Form Template Drop Down, choose the desired template.   tUMGZ1LaSJ0hBRrj59t9eeZecxGJi7GKBg
  4. Select the desired fields from the Available Form Fields List and use the right-facing arrow to move to the Select Report Columns list.   GiqyCyLagN_RtSpsua4LNh5DE8swabxmYw
  5. When finished, select the Save button.   mKng79u90BouZ-ORTROu4LSlRdmd82wrZA
  6. Enter a name for the dashboard and then use the Save button.   Rj8XafzTL6XFdjNyLYb5hDMQj_n90yzbJA

Delete a Form Dashboard

To delete a form dashboard:

  1. As an Owner to the dashboard or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration. 
  2. Select the checkbox next to the desired template and then use the Delete button.   xoWiDCd8hVxslDx-mwhxWrWBsjrPXN1A7g
  3. In the confirmation message that appears, use the Ok button to delete.   toSWNKzMNP9Qr6jYvZ1ZJ3U-_M7s8Z9dcw

View a Form Dashboard

To view a form dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration. 
  2. In the list of available dashboards, select the View link for the desired dashboard.   o8CRggo8qT8y7xoaJCmFSwvTph8f8uS8ag

Modify an Existing Dashboard

Once a form dashboard has been created, there may be circumstances that would cause the dashboard to be modified.

Some examples would be (but are not limited to):

  • If new fields are added to the form template.
  • If existing fields are no longer relevant to be displayed.
  • If a field should be made editable via the dashboard.

Something to note is that the form template selection cannot be modified once the dashboard has been initially created and saved.

To modify an existing form dashboard:

  1. As an Owner to the form dashboard or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration.
  2. In the available list of dashboards, select the Edit link next to the name of the desired dashboard.   gvAtGUen1M7_1QW7PPfcsnCQhQT9yQaGCg
  3. After making any desired changes, select the Save button.   RJa4vTHS4gTf9Lsz6Ldw5pKxJpgEcB_7Qg
  4. In the popup that appears, there will be the option to either Save or Save as New Dashboard. Pressing one will commit the changes.
    • If using Save as New Dashboard, the Form Dashboard Name needs to be modified or the dashboard will not be created.   LufsXGJtjb34BbNNrn8bCTuwKpE5tlTjlw

Special Modifications 

There are a few special configurations that can be applied to a form dashboard:

  • Query Filters
  • Joined Dashboards
  • Multi-Edit and Other Column Options

Query Filter

The Query Filter is another way of filtering data for specific information using SQL notation. 

When filtering there are several rules that need to be followed:

  • Use the name of the column or field as it exists on the form template or uses the Field Name as shown below.
  • Enclose column or field names that have multiple words in square brackets. (i.e. [Shipping Address])
  • Use comparison operators. (=, <>, >, <, like)
  • Enclose the string being searched for in single quotes. If it is a numeric value single quotes are not necessary.
  • Use SQL wild cards within the string being searched.
  • OR, AND, and parentheses are allowed to create complex filters.


The example below will use the following example dashboard:


Looking for a specific Form ID:

Key the following in the SQL Filter. Notice the Column Name is Form ID, but the database name if we edited Form ID is DhDocID.

  • DhDocID = 'Contact -000002'



Add Query Filter

To add a query filter:

  1. As an Owner to the form dashboard or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration.
  2. In the available list of dashboards, select the Edit link next to the name of the desired dashboard.   Kv3QCafRuneGjJN_4lBUpjKeGCkkq-W0_A
  3. Select the Query Filter button.   iuMXCCY7DsVAcU0i8uZ_AV7owBl9dZGMhA
  4. Enter in the desired query and use the Update button when finished.   uuSH2SisK9HEBEGAkNAKrT6xaU4hxERXGQ
  5. Close out of the Query Filter window and use the Save button.   3a4oPFHH-nL0LofyAKWFFj6YJA8g_XQmow
  6. Use one of the Save buttons to either created a new dashboard or save the current one.   U5yckyMw3yTnN_hOrxbZflFBuBlkv88EfQ

Joined Dashboards

At times, as you work with Form Data, you may want to bring together data from two different form templates into a single dashboard.  This is helpful, especially when a parent/child form has been created.  

To set up a Form Dashboard so it shows related data from two different form templates, you first need to configure the form templates so that there is a mechanism to relate the two forms together.  

  • As an example, you may have a Form ID on the parent form that uniquely identifies that form.  
    •  When you fill in the child form, you should pass the Form ID to the child form and populate a read-only field. This information from both forms helps to relate the two forms together.

Once you have data that helps to relate the two forms together, you would complete the following steps when designing a dashboard:

  1. Design a dashboard (save) for a single form template and assign the data from the first template or parent template that you want to see in the dashboard.
  2. Select the database icon next to the name of the form template.   -1hv7GUgb4c9NRpApwI9KR4N3rRC1d_dyQ
  3. Use the + to add a row.   absg1lcZSUPz6XuVwcMihMNAQbrLMjfGEA
  4. Select the second form template that you want to show in the dashboard in the Select Data Source drop-down list.   8y27W9sODl_GmT15ggBqKjXKEdoZOmAnaQ
  5. Then select the field in each of the form templates that are equal to each other.   DId6MMA6SMFuYKCD6tJ40xE7aVbX9QcH8w
  6. In the Join Type select from one of the following options:
    • Join (Only Matched): This join type will show only information from the parent and child form when the data is equal.
    • Full (All Records): Show all records from the parent and child forms.  When there is not matching data in either set of forms, a blank area will be shown in the dashboard for data that does not exist.
    • Left (All data from Left Table): Report on all records from the first selected form template and any records from the second form template when the values are equal.
    • Right (All from Right Table): Report on all records from the second selected form template and any records from the first form template when they match. y3TJriyUZGW78RwSUheskkvH-3PsHTL4fA
  7. When all information is entered, use the Update button.   kHPPajBA9ekpOX5wgS9CBRxmjXMBab4_hQ
  8. Once the second form template has been properly associated with the dashboard, you can scroll down in the Available Form Fields list and assign fields from either form template.  The first form template selected will appear first in the list.  Fields that pertain to each form will be grouped together.   U_MCGYoEWc_D0Li7ST9t1nx2XBa_uf0KhQ
  9. The dashboard must be saved to commit the changes.  UqGnbTIpwi1sfX8bbftt6eHZvJ6xRiLYXQ vse0Gax9cNmQoz8wLoNuVbU_gH7rurh76g


The Multi-Edit function of form dashboards allows users to edit multiple form records at once.  When records are edited in this manner, the validation rules and web services will not run.  

To enable multi-edit:

  1. As an Owner to the form dashboard or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration.
  2. In the available list of dashboards, select the Edit link next to the name of the desired dashboard.  YFcUEsx9leiblhocFZAWhk0rVLIqrZbJBQ
  3. In the list of Selected Report Columns, select the desired form field and then use the pencil icon.   91PRQd06qee1QnnJym5dWkGHyjqfAdFY6A
  4. In the window that appears, select the checkbox for Allow Multi-Edit.   hk2I-JOLBPvfGAr6vXKWtmUz3K5fhML50A
  5. Use one of the following buttons to update the field:
    • Update: Allows a save of the new configuration but keeps the window open for additional edits.
    • Update and Close: Saves and closes the window. NBW0FPLkOsS_ZoU2cZaofM9qZjrp7tb_4g
  6. The dashboard must be saved to commit the changes.  8TXSrFU16RFTwT_x3vzdq4FryJA86WGF5g YBj3Hp30JhNBb7w_PSi_8T5VLE29Fec0rg 

To use multi-edit:

  1. View or Edit desired dashboard.   EONLOYA8bGhoM_cF56oWnGfoSa8lfX9ulQ
  2. Select one or more forms by using the checkbox to the left of the form, then use the Multi Edit button.   34b3rKC8hV68K9e3GACVoEAq-guYAQ6ejA
  3. In the window that appears, use the drop down to select which form field should be edited.   P2xBfGiNssr84niKhbTlzAwu8blXjS3k8A
  4. For each selected field, enter the desired value.   t1pjfjShDiMJQ8UH6hytaJDaS13qGmf4PQ
  5. When all desired changes have been made, use the Save button to apply the changes to the forms.   ssMzV1ZK5hWZn3cwiw8XlEYZdCFctRbN5A

Assigning or Removing Security from a Dashboard

Once a new form template has been created, it is recommended to assign security permissions.

  • It is also recommended to use Group security.

By default, those in the VaultAccess group will be able to see all listed form dashboards even if they are not directly assigned. 

Anyone who creates a form dashboard will be listed under the security with Owner access.

To apply security:

  1. As an Owner to the form dashboard or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration.
  2. In the row of the desired dashboard, select the Modify Security link.   -HaQ8ppFKblhTT-tTHu4hxHjFrXLosOxMA
  3. Select the Modify Security button.   JSeU3BMqf5XD7qFwkElRVJE93SnD5w6IqA
  4. Select the desired group* from the Member Selection list and use one of the three buttons to add to the Assigned Members list.
    • vIihA__a_qoRvSsHKDmPrNrpqKtCbiS_3QProvides Owner Access
    • YCcL2-de0KAfYcffMmoM313PMTeYg1XAAw Provides Editor Access
    • TngfgTfJBOylXr3FSUjDG2SxsmpdTnFW6g Provides Viewer Access   jTZYAxj8HhAs2UpbN3URF25WOYXVyhwRnw
  5. When all desired groups have been added, use the X to close the window (this will apply the security changes).   MLIWu_KLeUPT8RACc7lbhCIpON9kq0v8Rg

If a previously assigned group needs the permissions updated, the group would need to be removed from the Assigned Members list and then added back with the correct permissions.

Remove Security 

To remove security:

  1. As an Owner to the form dashboard or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration.
  2. In the row of the desired dashboard, select the Modify Security link.   S4cOYcKZi2mZXOGLzVBCUStQH2O7ovBnWQ
  3. Select the Modify Security button.   TWpQ9hHVZ_DWvcTxzxo3y8q0HOHWxJzVew
  4. Select the desired member(s) from the Assigned Members list and use the right facing arrow to move back to the Member Selection list.   GXCm3TEo21MYyavIQZN_TVIWZErTsDYxPA

Alternate steps:

  1. As an Owner to the form dashboard or a VaultAccess member, navigate to the Form Data Dashboard Administration.
  2. In the row of the desired dashboard, select the Modify Security link.   jYXoBQ9-O-jCiY-Mu0Qae_W_9owuP8SzfA
  3. Select the checkboxes next to the desired member(s), then select the Remove Selected button.   tJT2d4jLmQQlQpygIWOEvBMciVVuVXjMtA
  4. In the confirmation message that appears, select Ok.   S6eN5TA9ugIfAfnaf24FHNpm2PR7zGnF4g

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