Dynamic Content
  • 10 Mar 2023
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Dynamic Content

  • Oscuro

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This topic covers how to create and modify the Dynamic Content features of Form Templates.

Groups and Conditions 

The Groups and Conditions panel is an area where designers have the capability of configuring when fields are visible to users and when they are not. This type of functionality can be used when you are designing a questionnaire in a wizard format or a form where certain users should only see certain parts of the form. In order to understand the configurations of this section you need to understand that when an object is assigned to a group for conditions or security, it will only be visible if the conditions or security are true. If neither of the conditions or security applies the object will be hidden from the view of the user reviewing the form. Objects that have not been assigned to a group will always be visible. You can access the Groups and Conditions panel by selecting View - Design Modes - Groups in the top menu, or by clicking the Switch to Group View button in the toolbar.

In this topic, we will break down and explain conditions and security and we will discuss how do you decide if an object should be configured under Conditions or Security. We will also talk about the layout of each screen. Refer to the related topics at the bottom for more detailed information on configuring each aspect of Groups and Conditions.

Conditions - Conditions relate to displaying controls or objects based upon the values found in a field or combination of fields or form properties. Let’s say for example that you have a customer survey that you want to send to a customer or vendor. In that survey, you have a field where you will allow the person to give comments and a field where if the user answered negatively, they can explain about their poor experiences. If the user answers more positively to a series of questions on the form, we will show the comments field. If they answered negatively, we will show the field prompting the user to explain their poor experience. Conditions allow us to test which of the two fields we will display. Conditions should be used when a control or group of controls should be visible to all users when the form is in one state, but hidden from view when the state of the form changes due to values found in any field on the form. Conditions also apply when configuring wizard steps or controlling the read-only capabilities of certain controls.

Security - Security relates to allowing certain controls to be visible to only certain users. In this situation, let's say that you have a Request for Warranty Replacement form. On this form, you have customer information that you want the customer to always be able to see, but you also have fields for internal processing that should not be visible to the customer. Using security on the Groups and Conditions tab allows you to assign a Group or User in VisualVault that represents your internal users so they can see the fields used for internal processing. The internal user will see all the fields, but the customer will see only the fields you allow them to see. Controls or Objects should be assigned to security if they do not have state changes during the life cycle of the form and if only a certain group of users should see the objects.

Note: Form Groups can be configured for both Conditions and Security.

Warning: We strongly recommend when working with Groups and Conditions, especially when security is involved, that administrators modify the form tab layout and remove the Change Log tab for users who should not see the security controls. The change log will show all fields regardless of the user's permissions.

The following paragraphs will discuss the layout and purpose of fields on the Groups and Conditions tab.

The following image is the groups tab. It has the following fields and purposes: 7-7XDJgjpnKu9CXcO_Jyb-jOMzw-cZKniw

  • Form Group List - this pane is the left-hand pane that includes a list of Form Groups that will be used for configuration and assigning objects. This will be how you group multiple or single objects and what you will use to assign security or conditionality.
  • https://www.visualvault.com/images/default-source/Help---Forms---Templates/dynamiccontent_new-group-button.png?sfvrsn=0Create New Group - Button used for adding new form groups.
  • https://www.visualvault.com/images/default-source/Help---Forms---Templates/dynamiccontent_remove-group-button.png?sfvrsn=0Remove Group - Removes the currently selected group from the group list.
  • https://www.visualvault.com/images/default-source/Help---Forms---Templates/dynamiccontent_add-controls-button.png?sfvrsn=0Add Selected Controls to Group - Adds the currently selected control or object on the form template to the selected group on the group list.
  • https://www.visualvault.com/images/default-source/Help---Forms---Templates/dynamiccontent_remove-controls-button.png?sfvrsn=0Remove Selected Controls from Group - Removes the currently selected control or object on the group list and removes it from the group.
  • https://www.visualvault.com/images/default-source/Help---Forms---Templates/dynamiccontent_modify-controls-button.png?sfvrsn=0Modify Control Assignments - Displays a list of all available fields and form controls that can be added to the currently selected group.

Note: A form group is different from a group created in the Group Admin screen. Form groups are used only in the form designer to group objects or controls. See the related section below for more details.

Condition Types Viewa3BdMePhOyb2c5vjhi8HdRKatIAO-Lnqbw

The conditions area has the following layout:

  • Is Visible Conditions - While a form group or control is selected, this area will display any conditions for visibility set to the group.
  • Is ReadOnly Conditions - While a form group or control is selected, this area will display any conditions for read-only set to any of the controls in the group.
  • Field - A field on the form that will be used to test the condition.
  • Comparison - How the condition will be evaluated.
  • Value- The string of text that will be used for the comparison.
  • Outcome - This drop-down list gives you the choice to set the field to visible/read-only when the condition is true, and options for AND and OR if multiple conditions will be evaluated.

Once at least one group has been added, you can select the Add New Row button to add a new condition, select the proper values for the form control, and comparison columns, and enter the condition in the Value field. Use the Delete Row button to remove a condition.   

Note: You can place tokens in the value field. This will take the current user who is logged in and compare it against a field on the form to see if that user should have access to the specific fields. As an example, you could have a drop-down list that is populated with the user list. You can then set up another field that uses the condition of "Dropdown list equals [user]" to show that field to that user.

Security Viewg0mH-VqDAj5_cdCfEGivsYk0aACPbN88gw

The security tab has the following layout:

  • Is Visible Security Members - This area shows what groups or users can see the control. Anyone not on the list in the right column will not be able to see the control.
  • Is ReadOnly Security Members - This area shows what groups or users can manipulate a control.
  • Modify - This button opens a window to add or remove groups and users in each list.

Modify Security View


Form Groups

Form Groups are separate from the Security Groups. They are created uniquely for each Form Template that requires them. These groups gather form components together to enable the form components to be hidden/shown to specific users as necessary.

The Form Groups can have the Security Groups or Users associated with them to define which users have access to the form components contained within the Form Groups. Refer to the Setting up Security – Form Conditions section for details.

Additionally, the Form Groups can have Visible and/or Read-Only conditions associated with them. These conditions define what values must be selected in the form for the form components to either be visible or to make them become read-only (cannot be modified by the user). Refer to the Setting up Conditions – Form Designer section for details.

Any combination of the conditions and security assignments can be set up to control which users have access to the form components and/or when the form components are visible. 

Add or Modify a Form Group

Adding a Form Group

To Add a Form Group, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select Form Templates.zvuDn_yp-zIA7o4M3pM12kKvUovozhHR8g
  3. Open the form template that requires Groups to be created. The Form Template can be opened in either View or Edit mode.F9FXqhIcecz1zWJrwXrDBasEX-LSFY4svQ
  4. Select the ‘Switch to Group View’ button.6_tuVWpV9I_3AdvLDAkeFrRyO1RsgPG9Yg
  5. Select the ‘Create New Group’ button.xvUL5ZYKTWqrFWP081an1RGYoyTsZf8WjA
  6. Fill in a name for the new Group
  7. Select Save.kxMKEu6KPeUrqpACYDkzUGRYXYl0PCfjxA

Modifying a Form Group  To Modify a Form Group, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Form’ menu item.
  2. Select Form Templates.g6qLAtNy8yL70VialUo0WiHOAm7fbbGaLw
  3. Open the Form Template that requires Groups to be modified. The Form Template can be opened in either View or Edit mode.o5tjd3qUi6kqrTMYj0zPSyOL3KzWiQcRCg
  4. Select the ‘Switch to Group View’ button.GG1tQgIP5_KG2i3LKWLF6ECsweFQt-65Tw
  5. Select the group to be modified.
  6. Select the ‘Modify Control Assignments’ button.eUlncRsZx4L4QUMyDf1czUSCtMfn3ldqEQ
  7. Change the group name and controls as required.
  8. Select the ‘Close’ button.2M0GwogBADgpwlup3k2AaI2WYIa1I2gkhA

Assigning and Removing Form Fields from Form Groups

Assigning Form Fields

To assign Form Fields to a Form Group, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’.aLNIj_mThFKTtAlkXyMO_8lTtv1lF3PsHg
  3. Open the Form Template to have the Form Fields assigned to groups. The Form Template can be opened in either View or Edit mode.UwKcNwS6yi1n7aPtONxRR_7fP82r-9y-vA
  4. Select the ‘Switch to Group View’ button.f8VfXqRsWcMP0Ggm1c_JoEZOqfssbXMvyw
  5. Select the Form Group to assign Form Fields to. If a Group does not exist, refer to the Add or Modify a Form Group section above for details.
  6. Select the Modify Control Assignments button.uo_4pL5tSgjLz8xBYexFNlqzFuVFpOEsjQ
  7. Select the Form Fields from the left hand ‘Select Controls’ list
  8. Click the right arrow button to move the selected fields to the right-hand ‘Assigned Controls’ list.
  9. Select ‘Close’VWgbAxs2PJE6oRkiSh9pXNGEyAnjHCpEEA

Removing Form Fields

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’.01rnw3HEPCyPrahMCJ2Yp-HtagKewQwuPQ
  3. Open the Form Template to have the Form Fields assigned to groups. The Form Template can be opened in either View or Edit mode.czelmglcHnquHT5NLOhmuqw71uZTKRi5eA
  4. Select the ‘Switch to Group View’ button.f8y7CUXydvLeChnCd5jR6vRlyR6_J49HcA
  5. Select the Group to remove Form Fields from.
  6. Select the 'Modify Control Assignments' button.B9VmwR1EQWvbLjhm6eR_Dz2TeySO-OObjw
  7. Select the Form Fields to be removed from the right-hand 'Assigned Controls' list.
  8. Select the '<<' button to move the selected Form Fields back to the left-hand' Select Controls' list.
  9. Select 'Close'.Kj3cLwz50MAtJq_dBZaHZpvZF8qhOU-ssQ

Deleting a Form Group

To Delete a From Group completely, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’._5dMXpUlR9HhZxCqR8NV7t38991TASlXpQ
  3. Open the Form Template to Delete the Form Group from The Form Template can be opened in either View or Edit mode.UM6qc5-EGyTkrkIhOFK656rxVijU049JVA
  4. Select the ‘Switch to Group View’ buttonf1qBhb6ZzwUO8c7gT3crv1rrQO9bNo6Hww
  5. Select the Form Group to DeleteQCSftS8U1ymXJHjWM9xBD0QZ2HAM3wIdLg
  6. Select the ‘Remove Group’hdldcxQrZmkgGJW4UN4K_QjGRTutr5c0UQ

The Form Group will be deleted even if it still has Form Fields assigned to it.

Setting up Conditions – Form Designer

Conditions within a Form Template allow components of the Form to be hidden/shown to users using the Form based upon values selected from a drop-down list or the value of other fields.

How the Conditions Work

There are two types of conditions:

  1. Visible Conditions
  2. Read Only Conditions

Visible conditions allow components of the Form to be hidden from view until a particular option is selected or filled in by a user. Once the value has been selected, the components of the Form and then shown to the user. Only showing certain Form components is useful in allowing Forms to be created that can capture a broad range of information depending on values selected without requiring the users to fill in a large number of potentially unnecessary Form Fields.

Read Only conditions allow Form Fields that would normally be editable by users to become un-editable whilst remaining visible to the users. This is useful for having fields that are not to be changed when other values are selected, but then if the selected values change, these Form Fields can then be changed to suit the new situation.

The Conditions allow the Form Designer to define which Form Fields require a specific value to then apply the Visible or Read-Only functionality to the Form Fields within the Form Group that the conditions are applied to.

It is possible to have multiple conditions applied to a single Form Group. In order for the condition to be met and hence the Visible or Read-Only functionality to be applied, all the conditions must be satisfied as defined.

To setup Conditions for the Form Template, follow the below steps:

It is best practice to completely design the Form layout prior to creating any groups and applying conditions. This way, it is easier to define what components of the Form need to have Conditions applied to them.

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’.GJyrHVaSyC0AqkvI81_eJTvma_qDfwJK7Q
  3. Open the Form Template to have Conditions applied.hQ9ByKRK9tFngTRIQSryBDszMlIoIhBoow
  4. Select the ‘Switch to Group View’ button.CwfKXNKOgRfqZTAyTLrMRaHB1MBg9DGOOA
  5. Create the required Form Groups. Refer to the Add or Modify a Form Group section for details.
  6. Assign the Form Fields to the Form Groups as required. Refer to the Assigning and Removing Form Fields from Form Groups section for details.
  7. In either the ‘Is Visible Conditions’ or ‘Is Read Only Conditions’ as applicable, select the ‘Add New Row’ button.97VzwZgJ9kPt-ePHDXpOf_2cFaA6rcg-Hw
  8. From the new row that is created, select the ‘Form Field’ from the Drop Down that requires a particular value to be selected/filled in.
  9. Select the ‘Comparison’ that the condition will use to evaluate whether the condition is satisfied.
  10. Populate the ‘Value’ that the field must have for the condition to be satisfied.06tH6h5YuR0szER86zAacvoJkDStbwvtuQ
  11. The ‘Outcome’ option defines what happens when the condition is met. By default, this will be ‘Is Visible’ or ‘Is Read Only’.
  12. To add multiple Condition rows, select the ‘New Row’ button.
  13. Repeat steps 9 – 11 for each row required.
  14. The ‘Outcome’ option for each of the previous rows needs to be changed to either ‘AND’ or ‘OR’ for the multiple conditions to be evaluated correctly by the Form.nAagSYqW4QZ0_g5RsOW19gTjhTuJmKhm2w

Form Fields With Special Values

Most Form Fields contain text values when they are populated which is what is used to test the conditions applied. However, some Form Fields do not contain text values.

These Form Fields are outlined below with the values used for evaluating conditions:

  • Checkboxes – Checkboxes are either True (the box has been ticked) or False (the box is not ticked). Example:  CheckBoxName Is Equal To True
  • Signature Stamps– Signature Stamps have a text value when the Signature Stamp has been clicked. The text value contains the User ID of the user that clicked the checkbox, as well as the time and date of the click. Examples:
    • SignatureStampName Contains john.smith – This will check that the signature stamp has been clicked by the user John Smith.
    • SignatureStampName Contains M – Due to the fact that the Signature Stamp has the date and time that it was clicked, it will always contain AM or PM for the time. By checking if it contains ‘M’ will confirm whether the Signature Stamp has been clicked by any user.
  • Form Buttons – Form Buttons are defined as ‘True’ after they are clicked the first time. If they have not been clicked they have no value.

Setting up Security – Form Conditions

Security within a Form Template allows forms to be designed to have components that are only visible or read-only to users based upon their security groups. This is separate from the Form Template level security which only defines what level of access the users have to the Form Template as a whole.

How the Security Conditions Work

There are two types of Security Conditions:

  1. Visible Security Conditions
  2. Read Only Security Conditions

The Security Groups that can be applied to define which users are affected are the same as the overall Security Groups. It may be necessary to create Security Groups with specific members for individual Form Templates.

The Visible Security Conditions allow sub-groups of users to have specific access to certain form components. This is useful if you require only certain users to see administration or confidential sections of the Form.

The Read-Only Security Conditions prevent sub-groups of users from being able to edit certain form fields, whilst letting other users edit the form fields if required. This is useful for displaying key information to users that is not to be updated or modified by these users.

Similar to the Form Conditions, the Form Fields to be controlled by Security Conditions are assigned to Form Groups. The individual Security Groups are then assigned to the Form Groups for either Visible Security or Read-Only Security.

Again, similarly to the Form Conditions, it is possible to have multiple conditions assigned to one From Group and all the conditions must be satisfied for the

Security Condition to be applied to the active Form.

To Setup Security Conditions on a Form, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’.tl1SgudSvdZz67ze3SAUkVyz6bqMy41ylQ
  3. Open the Form Template to have Conditions applied.3lj_ng7gvfvGUyPHezLdbmoH0VsNfpEsMw
  4. Select the ‘Switch to Group View’ button.RCMG95EbF4MKABI_PRohp9Pyf2_RjzuSOw
  5. Create the required Form Groups. Refer to the Add or Modify a Form Group section for details.
  6. Assign the Form Fields to the Form Groups as required. Refer to the Assigning and Removing Form Fields from Form Groups section for details.
  7. Under the 'Security' tab, select the 'Modify' button in either the ‘Is Visible Security Members’ or ‘Is ReadOnly Security Members’.-mUHIPvkngKwM8NEi5EKd6dhM_8R67Lavg
  8. Select either the 'Available Users' or 'Available Groups' button.
  9. Select the Group(s) or User(s) to be added into the security condition.
  10. Select the right arrow button to move the selected items into the right-hand panel.
  11. Click 'Save'.GBeHycXYVHqtwxLGcnd6LUhNC1cDffMvgg

All the Form Fields that are assigned to the Form Group will now either be Visible or Read Only to the users assigned via the Security Conditions. 

It is possible to have both Form Conditions and Security Conditions on the same Form Group.

How to Setup a Wizard Based Form

Wizard Based Forms are Forms that use the Form Button fields to apply Form Conditions.

How Do Wizard-Based Forms Work?

Each Form Button that has been placed on the form has a section in its properties called ‘Wizard Configuration’. In this section, the step numbers can be configured on the true (button has been clicked) and false (button has not been clicked) states of the button. This allows for any number of sequential steps to be defined via multiple buttons on the form template. The step number assigned to the button states is then combined with Form Group conditions to create Visible and/or Read-Only sections of the Form based upon whether the button has been clicked or not.

When the Wizard Configuration is enabled for any Form Button, a ‘pseudo’ field is created called ‘WizardStep’. This field is used for creating the conditions to be met to define the states of the Form Buttons.

Example of Wizard Step Form Groups and Conditions:

Form Group Name

Form Conditions Required


WizardStep Is Equal To 0


WizardStep Is Not Equal To 0 AND WizardStep Is Not Equal To 2 AND  WizardStep Is Not Equal To 3


WizardStep Is Not Equal To 0 AND WizardStep Is Not Equal To 1 AND  WizardStep Is Not Equal To 3


WizardStep Is Not Equal To 0 AND WizardStep Is Not Equal To 1 AND  WizardStep Is Not Equal To 2

For the button that is to be WizardStep 0, the True state step value must be set to 0 (and so on for the other buttons). The False state can be left at 0 or changed to revert to a particular step if a button has not been clicked.

Wizard steps start at zero, not one.

Using External Data Lookup

Query Driven Option Lists allow Drop Down Form Fields to have their list options populated from sources external to the Form Template itself.

There are three main external sources:

  • Data that has been filled into other Forms
  • Core system data (Users, Security Groups, Sites/Locations)
  • Custom-built lists created via the Drop Down List Admin section

For the first two sources reference other data stored within VisualVault. The third source can be created manually by users.

The main advantage of using Query Driven Option Lists is that the list options will update automatically to include/remove list items without having to modify the Form Template itself.

How To Use Query Driven Option Lists

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’.As2Da2szXuZ35yOMtWK1GOhiSuwDEXKSlw
  3. Open the Form Template to have the Query added to it.v3l66K4VhnY6EkgKh3TwSfW1q3afQMe0Nw
  4. Select the Dropdown field to use the Query.8_QH2GdlE8UwxD8oBgJKvoltqxkOMV3Mjw
  5. Under the ‘Query Driven Option List’ section of the properties, select the ‘Enable Query’ check box.DooddV_quH3yQYk6juxKFXSsYoqSRfs6Uw
  6. There are three options for the Query to use:
    • The first is the ‘User Query’ option. This is a default list of all user IDs that have access to VisualVault.
    • The second is the ‘Group Query’ option. This is a default list of all Security Groups that have been created in VisualVault.
    • The third is the ‘Custom Connection and Query’. This allows lists to be selected from Form information, custom database lists, and lists created using the Dropdown list administration area.

Using the ‘Custom Connection and Query’ Section

  1. Select the ‘Custom Connection and Query’ option.
  2. Select the Connection to use.
    • The connection option ending with the database name contains the Queries that use core database data
    • The connection option ending with FormData contains the Queries that use information filled in via forms by users.
    • The VisualVault Dropdown Lists contains the lists created by users via the Dropdown List administration.
  3. Select the Query to use. Refer to the Database Connection Administration help pages for details for creating the Queries to use.
  4. Select the Text Field to use. This is what will be displayed to the users filling in the form.
  5. Select the Value Field to use. This only needs to be different from the text value for either reporting purposes (defined in the ‘Data Options’ property section) or when using Cascading Dropdowns (explained below).

The Fill Drop Down List button updates the list options to the latest available from the query selected. By clicking on the drop-down, the available options will be displayed.

Using the Cascade Options

The Cascade Options allow a Drop Down List to only have options that have been pre-filtered based upon the list option selected in another Drop Down list Form Field on the same Form Template.

Cascading DropDowns enable the value of a ‘Parent’ Drop Down list option to be passed into the query for a secondary ‘Child’ Drop Down list. The Parent value is used as a filter for the Child list options so that the user filling in the form can only select certain options that relate to the Parent option. This is useful for creating intelligent forms as well as reducing the number of options to select from for the user, which in turn reduces the likelihood of incorrect selections.

Setting Up the Cascade Options and Relationships

The ‘Parent’ Drop Down List:

The only option that needs to be configured correctly for the Parent Drop Down list is the Value Field. This is the value that will be passed to the query of the Child Drop Down list.

The ‘Child’ Drop Down List:

For the Child Drop Down list that is to have its available options filtered, the setup is quite simple:

  1. Select the "Enable" checkbox under the Cascade Options.
  2. Select the Field Name of the Drop Down List that is to be the ‘Parent’ Drop Down List.

Refer to the Database Connections help pages for details on setting up queries to accept the value of the ‘Parent’ Drop Down list as a filter value.

Using the Data Lookup

The Data Lookup will allow textboxes to be filled with a value based upon the selected option from a Drop Down.

The Data Lookup functionality provides the ability to select which Form Fields are to be populated with a value. They are then associated to one of the columns that have been extracted via the selected query. When an option is selected from the Drop Down, the corresponding value from the assigned column will then be populated into the selected form field.

Setting up the Data Lookup

Under the Data Lookup properties section of the Drop Down list where the selection will be made:

  1. Select the ‘Enable’ checkbox.
  2. Select the connection type to use.
  3. Select the specific query to use.
  4. Select the ‘Edit Mappings’ button.
  5. Select the Form Field name of the field that is to be populated with the associated value.
  6. Select the query column name to associate the value to the field selected in 5.
  7. Press the down arrow to confirm the association.
  8. Repeat steps 5,6 & 7 for all fields that are required to be populated with a value.

Designing Form Context Menus

The Form Context Menu allows users to access additional information related to the form they are viewing/editing. A ‘Context Menu’ is the list of items that appears when a user right clicks on the form page. This list is customizable within VisualVault to provide an efficient method of accessing data.

Setting up Form Context Menus

To access and create Form Context Menus, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’.p8qeyO3dUfTOqfJbouviPchGInQ3HErR4Q
  3. Select the ‘Name’ link of the Form Template to open the Template ID Card.5-xnPF91uUlcAV1wvJULprtezJiOYARcyQ
  4. Select the ‘Menus’ tab.
  5. From the ‘Menu Type’ Drop Down list, select ‘Context Menu’.
  6. Select the Module to add from the Available Modules Drop Down list (see below for details on individual Modules).
  7. Select the ‘+’ button._tzdG2wtp4VX3tTRycjoHmqCAkCBJ_SPnw
  8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for each module required.
  9. Configure the properties of the module to complete the setup (see below for details on Module Properties and their setup).

Module Types and Properties

All the modules have some common properties:

  • Displayed Text: This is the text that appears in the menu to the user telling them what the item is for.
  • Minimum Security: This defines the minimum security role the user requires to see the menu item. This security role is the role that is assigned at the Form Template level. Refer to the Form Template Security help pages for details on assigning the security roles.

eFax – This module allows the Form page to be sent via eFax. The eFax functionality and integration must be pre-configured in the VisualVault setup for this module to be used.

Module Specific Properties

  • This module has no additional properties to be configured.

Email Form Link – This module allows an email to be created using the users’ default email client (or using the internal VisualVault email client if configured) which contains a link to the form. This email can be sent to anyone, but if the recipient does not have security access to the form, they will not be able to successfully open the link.

Module Specific Properties

  • This module has no additional properties to be configured.

Fillin and Relate – This module allows users to create another Form using information from the main form to fill in Fields on the new form along with creating a relationship between the forms.

Module Specific Properties

  • Form Template: Active Form – This defines that the current form is where the data will be extracted from to populate the new form.
  • Relate to form – Selects the Form Template that will be filled in as a new form.
  • Relate forms (checkbox) – When checked, the new form will automatically be related to the original form. If unchecked, they will not be related together.

Form Identifier – Creates a ‘label’ item on the Context Menu that displays the Form ID. This is used for identification purposes only.

Module Specific Properties

  • This module has no additional properties to be configured.

Form Tab Link – Opens a specified tab on the form.

Module Specific Properties

  • Icon Path: Allows a custom icon to be displayed for the menu item.
  • Icon Hover Path: Allows a custom icon to be displayed when the user hovers the mouse hand over the menu item.
  • Form Template: Defaults to the Active Form to define which form the tab link is for.
  • Mode: Allows the menu item to be either Read Only or Write Enabled.

Form Template: Details – Shows the current form’s main page.

Module Specific Properties

  • This module has no additional properties to be configured.

Form Template: History – Shows the History tab of the current form. The tab must be created for it to be displayed.

Module Specific Properties

  • Form Template: Defaults to the Active Form Template to define which History page is to be displayed.

Form Template: Revisions – Shows the Revisions tab of the current form. The tab must be created for it to be displayed.

Module Specific Properties

  • Form Template: Defaults to the Active Form Template to define which Revisions page is to be displayed.

Form Template: Security – Displays the Security assignments for the active form template. The tab must be created for it to be displayed.

Module Specific Properties

  • Form Template: Defaults to the Active Form Template to define which Security page is to be displayed.

Form Template: Training – Displays the Training tab of the current form. The tab must be created for it to be displayed.

Module Specific Properties

  • Form Template: Defaults to the Active Form Template to define which Training page is to be displayed.

Print Preview – Opens a new window of the main form page that has been formatted to allow the form to be printed (to hardcopy or softcopy).

Module Specific Properties

  • This module has no additional properties to be configured.

Form Tab Customization

Form Tabs are customizable within VisualVault to provide an efficient method of accessing or restricting data. You may find yourself in a situation where you want certain data or options to be hidden from a type of users, such as the form workflow or the change log. By customizing the form tabs, you can decide what information is visible.

Setting up Custom Form Tabs

To access and create Form Tabs, follow the below steps:

  1. Hover over/click the ‘Forms’ menu item.
  2. Select ‘Form Templates’.Bx78VpIl9zPR67X3yvoK7PL-Twp6fvL3Vg
  3. Select the ‘Name’ link of the Form Template to open the Template ID Card.2jnSiVdZqA-FMl1j4NYh712Euwca4CGM9w
  4. Select the ‘Menus’ tab.
  5. From the ‘Menu Type’ Drop Down list, select ‘Tabs’.
  6. From the ‘Module Type' Drop Down list, select 'Form Modules' or 'VisualVault Modules'.*
  7. Select the Module to add from the Available Modules Drop Down list (see below for details on individual Modules).
  8. Select the ‘+’ button.Y29hJ3dG30zoyDsbnYP3glHaev-80bPk6w
  9. Repeat Steps 7 and 8 for each module required.
  10. Configure the properties of the module to complete the setup (see below for details on Module Properties and their setup).

*Form Modules are the usual tabs found on a form by default. VisualVault Modules are special modules used for displaying various types of information about forms and documents among other options.  

Module Types and Properties

All the modules have some common properties:

  • Displayed Text: This is the text that appears in the menu to the user telling them what the item is for.
  • Minimum Security: This defines the minimum security role the user requires to see the menu item. This security role is the role that is assigned at the Form Template level. Refer to the Form Template Security help pages for details on assigning the security roles.
  • Form Template: Active Form – (For most Form Modules) This defines that the current form is where the data will be extracted from.

Form Modules Change Log - Displays the change log for the current form. Module Specific Properties

  • This module has no additional properties to be configured.

Form Dashboard (Available as both a Form and VisualVault Module) - Display a saved Form Dashboard defined in the Form Data Dashboards screen.

Module Specific Properties

  • Mode - Determines if the dashboard can only be viewed (Read Only), or manipulated (Write Enabled).
  • Data Dashboard - The dashboard that will be displayed.
  • Dashboard Menu - When selected, will display the menu bar of the dashboard.
  • Filter - You can filter the results to be returned when this option is enabled.
  • Select Source - Selects the source of the fields that will be used to filter the results: the form template or the dashboard columns.
  • Select Field - Selects a field to be used in the search conditions. Click the 'Insert' button to add this field to the condition box.
  • Insert Operator - Selecting an operator will immediately add it to the condition box. Use this function to build the desired filter.

Form Related Documents - Displays the Related Documents tab for a form.

Module Specific Properties

  • Set Filter - Select this button to set the filter to return specific document information.

History - Displays the History tab of a form. Module Specific Properties

  • Set Filter - Select this button to set the filter to return specific history information.

Related Forms - Displays the related forms for the current form. You can filter the results to a template so that only the related forms of a specified form template show up. Module Specific Properties

  • Limit Results to Form Template - You can specify if you want to only display information from related forms from a specific template.
  • Set Filter - Select this button to set the filter to return specific form information.

Related Projects - Display the Related Projects tab for a form. Module Specific Properties

  • Set Filter - Select this button to set the filter to return specific project information.

Revisions - Displays the Revisions tab of a form. Module Specific Properties

  • Set Filter - Select this button to set the filter to return specific revision information.

VisualVault Modules Document List - Display the results of a saved document search. HTML Editor - Allows you to publish HTML content. Page Viewer - View content from web sites within a frame. Query Report Grid - Display the results of a query defined in Data Connections Administration. More information about the VisualVault Modules can be found on the Module Admin help pages.

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