Moving and Copying Documents
  • 10 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutos para leer
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  • Oscuro

Moving and Copying Documents

  • Oscuro

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This document reviews how to move or copy documents within the document library.

How to Move and Copy Documents


How to...

Move a Single Document

Check the box on the left of the entry in the Document List. Left mouse click anywhere on the entry, then drag and drop to the target folder. OR  Right-click on the document and select "cut" from the context menu. Then on the folder where you want the document, right-click over a document or folder and select paste.

Move Multiple Documents

Select the check box next to each document you want to move. Then select and hold down the left mouse button over the entry of one of the selected documents. While holding down the left mouse button, drag the mouse over the name of the folder where you want the documents to reside.

Copy a Single Document

Check the box of the entry in the Document List. Ctrl + Left mouse click on the document's entry in the document list, then drag and drop to the target folder. OR  Right-click on the document and select copy from the context menu. Then on a folder where you want the document right-click over a document, or folder and select paste.

Copy Multiple Documents

Select the check box next to each document you want to move. Then while holding the ctrl key down, select and hold down the left mouse button over the view icon of one of the documents. While holding down the left mouse button drag the mouse over the name of the folder where you want the documents to be copied.

Within VisualVault you can move and copy documents from one folder or sub-folder to another folder. In order to accomplish a move you can left click on the view icon of the document and drag it to another folder. In order to copy a document you hold the Ctrl key down on the keyboard, then click the view icon of the document and drag it to the desired folder.

Documents in the “pending” state cannot be moved or copied.

Illustrative Examples

Moving a Single Document via Drag-and-Drop

Check the box next to the document entry, then drag and drop to the target folder.  k7K1sjgasfkaWK5Xdj0Gk4CvSpEAsonAWQ

Moving a Single Document via Cut and Paste

Right-click on Document, select "Cut".


Right-click on the target folder, select "Paste".


Copying Multiple Documents via Drag-and-Drop

Check the boxes of the documents, then click and drag-and-drop to the destination folder.1-CtVFaC24EUI9lLP_Hr8P4ADycmiUe4AA

Copying a Single Document via Copy and Paste

Right-click on the document, then select "Copy".HnbU3NgeWVpkhpVjkdfkCATZ5RymEVP_Sg

 Right-click on the target folder, then select "Paste".


The following is a table of rules for dragging and dropping documents, including what permissions are required to move/copy documents, the behavior of moving documents to a folder with an active approval workflow route, the resulting naming convention of the moved/copied document, and the behavior of index fields between moves/copies:

Document Move and Copy Rules






  • Must be Editor or Owner of the source folder and target folder.
  • Inherit security from the target folder and drop all document-level security assignments.


Approval Route

  • If the target folder has an Approval Route, it will be initiated on completion of the move.


Naming Conventions

  • The original Document ID will be kept with each move.


Index Fields

  • Inherit Index Fields from the target folder.
  • Previous Index Fields are added to the parent folder so existing index information is not lost.



  • Must be Owner or Editor of the source and target folder.
  • Inherit Security from the target folder and drop all document-level security.


Approval Route

  • Document checked into the folder as a new revision.
  • If an approval route exists on the folder, it is initiated upon completion of the copy.


Naming Conventions

  • Document uses the target folder's naming convention.
  • If the target folder has no naming convention then the user is prompted for a Document ID.
  • With no naming convention, copying multiple files forces a sequence number to be appended.


Index Fields

  • Document will inherit index fields from the target folder.
  • Previous Index Fields are retained.

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