Document, Form, and Project Relationships
  • 24 Sep 2021
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Document, Form, and Project Relationships

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This document will review relationships.

Relationships can be created between Documents, Forms, and Projects. Relationships are simply a method to associate documents, forms, and projects, such that finding and managing items that are related to each other is more easily accomplished. In order to create a relationship to other items, you need at least editor rights to the current document, form, or project and viewer rights to the other document, form, or project.  Users will only see the documents, forms, or projects that they have permissions to view when they look at data on the relationship tabs. (See the Document Security, Project Security, and Form Security sections for more information on the different security levels and how it affects the user's ability to work with the corresponding Document, Project, or Form)

Types of Relationships

Document to Document (Parent, Child, Peer)

Documents can be related to other documents with one of three types of relationships: Parent, Child, and Related (or Peer). These types of relationships allow the establishment of a hierarchy to better assist with organizing and tracking down related documents. 

Related documents are found by drilling down on a Document ID and then selecting the Related tab. The Related tab is available to all document Owners, Editors, and Viewers. This is where peer-to-peer document associations are displayed when a relationship exists between documents (for example, a procedure and a flowchart used to complete the procedure would be related document).  Each relationship must be created manually by a user.  The following information is displayed on each of the three relationship lists:

  • Email: Provides a link to Document Properties (or a download link) via E-mail.
  • View Icon: Opens the listed document. (No column heading is visible).
  • Check-out Status: Displays green checkmark for checked-out documents. (No heading)
  • Doc ID: The Document ID (unique Document ID)
  • File Name: File name associated with the document.
  • Description: Description of the listed document.
  • Rev: The latest document revision is visible to the user. 
  • Status: Current document status (released, unreleased, pending)
  • Folder: Displays the folder that the document is associated with 
  • Checkin Date: Date the document was placed in the Document Library.

A New Document can be added or Existing Document Relationships can be created by selecting the option on the second level menu. When users with editor rights or higher create associations with documents, they will be able to search for documents that meet specific criteria. Users will only be able to associate documents that they have rights to view in the Document Library.


Parent documents are found by clicking a Document ID and then selecting the Parents tab. The Parents tab is available to all document Owners, Editors, and Viewers. This is where top-tier documents are displayed when a subordinate relationship exists. (e.g. a policy is a parent to a procedure document).


Child documents are found by drilling down on a Document ID and then selecting the Child tab. The Child tab is available to all document Owners, Editors, and Viewers. Documents in this view are controlled based on the permissions that the user has to those documents in the Document Library. If a user does not have access to a document or the document is archived, it will not be visible when the user selects the children tab. 

Related (Peer)

Related documents are found by clicking on a Document ID to open the Document Properties, and then selecting the Related tab. The Related tab is available to all document Owners, Editors, and Viewers. This is where peer-to-peer document associations are displayed when a relationship exists between documents (for example, a procedure and a flowchart used to complete the procedure could be established as related documents). These relationships are created manually.

Document to Form

Documents and forms can be related for easier tracking purposes. When the relationship is established, the form will appear on the document's "Forms" relationship tab, and the document will appear on the form's "Documents" tab. Note that only form data instances can be associated in this way, not the form templates themselves.

The following information is displayed on the document's Form tab:

  • Form Name: The name (Form ID) of the form data instance.
  • Form Data View Link: A link to view the form.
  • Form Data Edit Link: A link to edit the form data, which is available for editors/owners.
  • Modified By: Displays the user who last modified the form data.
  • Last Modified: Shows the date and time when the form data was last modified.

The following information is displayed on the form's Documents tab:

  • Email: Provides a link to the Document (or a download link) via E-mail.
  • View Icon: Opens the listed document. (No column heading is visible).
  • Checkout Status: Displays green checkmark for checked-out documents. (No heading)
  • Doc ID: The Document ID (unique identifier of the document)
  • File Name: File name associated with the document.
  • Description: Description of the listed document.
  • Rev: The latest document revision is visible to the user. 
  • Status: Current document status (released, unreleased, pending)
  • Folder: Displays the folder that the document is associated with 
  • Checkin Date: Date the document was placed in the Document Library.

Document to Project

Documents and Projects can be related for easier tracking purposes. When the relationship is established, the project will appear on the document's "Projects" relationship tab, and the document will appear on the project's "Documents" tab. The following information will be displayed on the document's Projects tab:

  • Name: The project's name
  • Description: The current description of the project.
  • Status: The open/closed status of the project.
  • User: The user who created the project.
  • Create Date: The date the project was created.

The following information is displayed on the project's Documents tab:

  • Email: Provides a link to the Document (or a download link) via E-mail.
  • View Icon: Opens the listed document. (No column heading is visible).
  • Checkout Status: Displays green checkmark for checked-out documents. (No heading)
  • Doc ID: The Document ID (unique identifier)
  • File Name: File name associated with the document.
  • Description: Description of the listed document.
  • Rev: The latest document revision is visible to the user. 
  • Status: Current document status (released, unreleased, pending)
  • Folder: Displays the folder that the document is associated with 
  • Checkin Date: Date the document was placed in the Document Library.

Form to Form

Forms can be related to each other for easier tracking purposes. When the relationship is established, the forms will appear on each other's Forms tab. Bear in mind that only form data instances can be related to each other, not the form templates themselves. The following information is displayed on the forms' Form tabs:

  • Form Name: The name (ID) of the form data instance.
  • Form Data View Link: A link to view the form.
  • Form Data Edit Link: A link to edit the form data, which is available for editors/owners.
  • Modified By: Displays the user who last modified the form data.
  • Last Modified: Shows the date and time when the form data was last modified.

Form to Project

Forms and Projects can be related for easier tracking purposes. When the relationship is established, the project will appear on the form's "Projects" tab, and the form will appear on the project's "Forms" tab. Keep in mind that only form data instances can be related to projects, not the form templates themselves. The following information will be displayed on the form's Projects tab:

  • Name: The project's name
  • Description: The current description of the project.
  • Status: The open/closed status of the project.
  • User: The user who created the project.
  • Create Date: The date the project was created.

The following information is displayed on the project's Form tab:

  • Form Name: The name (ID) of the form data instance.
  • Form Data View Link: A link to view the form.
  • Form Data Edit Link: A link to edit the form data, which is available for editors/owners.
  • Modified By: Displays the user who last modified the form data.
  • Last Modified: Shows the date and time when the form data was last modified.

Modifying Relationships

Users can either establish new relationships between documents or remove existing relationships. 

There are three kinds of relationships between documents - Parent, Child, and Peer (Related). Users have two means to establish new document relationships, and one method to remove the relationship. The following examples will describe the methods for adding or removing a Parent relationship.  Although the example is focused on parent relationships, these steps can be applied to any document relationship tabs on the Document ID Card to create or remove the other types of relationships.

Uploading a New Related Document

Uploading a New Parent Document:

  1. Navigate to the Parent tab in the Document Properties of the soon-to-be child document.
  2. Select the New Document button.itowmBgt5AJ7Uya3yB6fOqYV_zsfw-dYcA 
  3.  Select the folder where the new document will be uploaded.
  4. Select the file to upload.
  5. Click the Next button.MjCfgLhsfiAQU0aVaKQnEIsa0-18T6Nt3Q
  6. Edit the metadata or index fields as needed.
  7. Click the Save to Vault button.q5UoVqfd4fREk0s5VorKy2N5oNpRRbRUYA
  8. After the document is uploaded, the Parent tab document list should include the new document. FS0ooq9xIA3UDLixSroCpVn4OOUQ4nhw1g

Establishing an Existing Document as a Related Document

Establishing an Existing Document as a Parent:

  1. Navigate to the Parent tab in the Document Properties of the soon-to-be child document.
  2. Select the Modify Parent Relationships button.1V9ZKb25qs1OJiuBmMCtOUZBmFEwN_iq-Q
  3. Enter in search conditions to find the document.
  4. Select the document from the left box. Note: If a user does not have rights to a document or the document is archived they will not see it in this listing.
  5. Click on the right-facing arrow to assign the document as a parent.vW92Z6RQvslpxydATWbB1yxi5Cs_sbDRYA
  6. Click on the Finish button, or close the window.b0s4qslS0-bVkrX0CPzPG9gaRjEJok8thg
  7. The document should now be listed in the Parent tab.PrIhT0H3rXi7MBBLTEVYpUzdjXVSyrsMOw

Removing a Document Relationship

Removing a Parent Relationship:

  1. Navigate to the Parent tab of the child document's Document Properties.
  2. Click on the Modify Parent Relationships button.KGexQmIcQ3h6yAc-eJqTx-dEWEJc33dxQg
  3. Select the document to be removed from the Assigned Documents box.
  4. Click on the left-pointing arrow to remove the document from the Assigned Documents box.
  5. Click on the Finish button (or close the window)1PBznDa-tYGFAExvRvzNyN5AajDqJhS7Yw
  6. The Parent tab should no longer display the document.qpCQ5JdIl3p_8e9OVRNw5TNaqVXnyXDpgg


How to Modify Document to Form Relationships

Users can establish a Document-Form relationship from either the Document Properties, which is opened by clicking on the Doc ID link in the document library (or anywhere that has the document listed) or the user can establish the relationship from the Form Properties, which is opened by clicking on the Form Name in the Form Data section.

From the Document's Properties:

Users have one method for both adding or removing form relationships from the target document. Both methods are achieved through the Forms tab located in the document details of the document. Detailed walkthroughs for adding or removing relationships through the document details Forms tab are listed below:

Relating Forms to a Document

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab of the document properties.
  2. Select the "Relate Forms" button.fOcwky6GXDifTcwDgd0sOaphcP-efJyvWQ
  3. Select the form template from the top drop-down menu.
  4. (optional) Enter in search conditions to find the desired form instance.
  5. Select the form(s) from the Available Forms list on the left.
  6. Click on the right-facing arrow to relate the form(s) to the document.
  7. Click finish (or close the window)ODA6_SEnf_35BTgNXFVXiDCFRVM3ncKpPg
  8. The form will now be listed in the Forms tab of the document.-Up1c93V1uDxqtlJbV8DTVSbcs2oVxjK5Q

Removing Form Relationships from a Document

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab of the document properties.
  2. Click on the Relate Forms button. mLqtGjsWhkFkELoCFNzx_P1R72JiG41WKQ
  3. Select the form to be removed from the Assigned Forms list on the right.
  4. Click on the left-facing arrow to remove the form(s) from the assignment list.
  5. Click Finish (or simply close the window).Zzdgs0XPq3EvZCNX5bUK0lR8mqbvkhe4fA
  6. The form should no longer be present on the Forms list in the Document Details.a4VKOD-5sO5GyydHews_Uh771U65e8pRHQ

From the Form's Properties:

Uploading Related Documents to a Form

  1. Navigate to the Document tab in the Form Properties.
  2. Click on the New Document button. 0FEWuYF-M3spxAJ-7LpMrGxeMp_sIK87og
  3. Select a folder for the new document.
  4. Select the file to upload.
  5. Click NextruNRj_9qME4V7JqeYyDE-2ZAjOFrp4r1ow
  6. Fill in the required index fields and make any necessary metadata changes (if applicable).
  7. Click on the Save to Vault button.m2x6Yc8VQ9g2Kn_NXYhytio0XMPnmnQ6jA
  8. The new document will now appear in the list on the form's Documents tab.jrFXdry6RpZqblRGa2zfcxWt6f7DrI_5Bw

Relating Document to a Form

  1. Navigate to the Document tab in the Form Properties.
  2. Click on the Modify Document Relationships button.WTZ5AW_xf8mkvLP4L6JUSzLiXWBuHfiWzQ
  3. (optional) Enter in search conditions to find the desired document
  4. Select the document in the Available Documents list.
  5. Click on the right-facing arrow to relate the document to the form.qXEsDaATfc0rOwOkDZyVFej7DrF3yNHSgQ
  6. Click Finish (or simply close the window).2JfMOFok8V-PcPAyT5tIxcMz0jiPoznAcg
  7. The document will now be listed on the Form's Documents tab.zJ2u9-kx_CeyGdsA-38kHBrNlH1njCCNqQ

Removing Document Relationships from a Form

  1. Navigate to the Document tab in the Form Properties.
  2. Check the box of the document to be removed from the relationship.
  3. Click the Remove Related Docs button.h2MMtDtwj0kv3fyEEDIdycsLeAE0gJVvXw
  4. Select OK at the prompt.qCL1_rq1xjnpNac5crkIV2Ubk0FgaXetaA
  5. Document will no longer be present on the list in the form's Documents tab.xtOm-bFlVpR2oFGEucYREixQjQiaJD1x-A

How to Modify Document to Project Relationships

Users can establish a Document-Project relationship from either the Document Properties, which is opened by clicking on the Doc ID link in the document library (or anywhere that has the document listed), or the user can establish the relationship from the Project Properties, which is opened by clicking on the Project Name wherever it may be listed.

From the Document Properties:

Relating Projects to a Document

  1. Navigate to the Projects tab in the Document Details.
  2. Click on Relate Projects button.
  3. (Optional) Enter in search conditions to narrow down the list to the desired project.
  4. Select the project on the Available Projects list.
  5. Click the right-facing arrow to relate the project to the document.rHSctM0t7fPVt-n5yG2jQWwBvMdBT6VybA
  6. Click the Finish button (or simply close the window).O3e4tV0QS8TZTlhwMEOxHswlRL5eJBCBtw
  7. The project will now be listed in the Projects tab in the Document Properties.vq2P8QbFoU-WZmLmJn8rdpZrHSTF1vTN2w

Removing Project Relationships from a Document

  1. Navigate to the Projects tab in the Document Properties.
  2. Check the box of the listed project to be removed.
  3. Click on the Remove button.AdM1c6mVCSfxnxw-WrN_bVfpkWw6MV48-w
  4. Click OK at the prompt.-i7XnaWnytgM8yQE-kDMqygvYA3b5ap83Q
  5. The project will no longer be listed in the Projects tab of the Document Properties.8jgT3g5MDhHAh7uqUUPFHM8-lz3Yth4yqw

From the Project Properties:

Relating Documents to a Project

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab in the Project Details.
  2. Click on the actions button and select Modify Related Documents.L5fPWPTqamGn7e-RHhX7stWokZTVvbquZQ
  3. Enter in search conditions to find the desired document.
  4. Select the document in the Available Documents list.
  5. Click on the right-facing arrow to assign the document to the relationship.MBtaN3z00CSqBJHMcIqep63bVU_CLjIGxg
  6. Click the Finish button (or close the window).ea3t4H6DQrQ0riQdC5WwoAR8KXC3FiLrRw
  7. The document will now be listed in the Documents tab of the Project Properties.DkFm5KRxrlfcwKeUaxw_gcjiUbDhxNuo7Q

Removing Document Relationships from a Project

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab in the Project Properties.
  2. Click on the actions button, then select the Modify Related Documents option.WzWZ0TG2E1CZ4_M23VOg_bnkm-DAIs8M1A
  3. Select the desired document from the Assigned Documents list.
  4. Click the left-facing arrow to remove the document from the relationship assignment.9VEApzUyCW-AwHks7cpKBzt20HgKAjUZwQ
  5. Click on the Finish button (or close the window).q522v0x9aJj6vrjcoOKsZR0onZg5UtoMkw
  6. The document will no longer be visible in the Documents tab of the Project Properties.jqCxnArCb679aFvzvDK7LrH3EiR7yr-KSA

How to Modify Form to Form Relationships

Users can establish a relationship between forms through either of the forms' "Forms" tab in the form properties. Clicking on the form's name link will open the form properties. Note that only form data instances can be related to each other, not the form templates themselves.

 Relating Forms

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab of one the forms to be related.
  2. Click on the Modify Related Forms button.7yk31UVNUAnaLNRcUNvqiO6himJqYtXqzA
  3. Select the form template of the form to be related.
  4. (Optional) Set the field to be displayed in the Available Forms list.
  5. (Optional) Enter a search string to narrow the Available Forms list down.
  6. Select the form from the Available Forms list.
  7. Click on the right-facing arrow to assign the selected form as related.ocGcxonhkjlgMIgSjg8LlYnZiP8-jaYZLA
  8. Click finish (or close the window).FAXzWVbgf0LjoGoLUR2FtAdr-MWpn2ePrw
  9. The assigned form will now be listed in the Forms tab of the Form Properties.PzrP5m1Tf0eSs8-YReUR458XVPlCW2r80Q

Removing Form Relationships

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab in the Form Properties of one of the forms.
  2. Check the box next to the Form to be removed.
  3. Click the Remove Related Forms button. uoX_i8lVgnuRwIrTGN3TM9B9wT183HeMsA
  4. Click the OK button on the prompt.t6vWR-sXHZDWi_5Sn7fKQsoiz9fzHL2rTA
  5. The form will no longer be listed in the Forms tab in the Form Properties.sNwpBRnLqs4wxvF8oESa0_QaYVLOnlRSbQ

How to Modify Form to Project Relationships

Users can establish a relationship between forms and projects through either the "Projects" tab of the form's properties, or through the "Forms" tab in the Project's properties. The form properties are reached by clicking on the Form's name link in the form data section, and the Project's properties are reached by clicking on the project's name link in the projects list. Note that only form data instances can be related to a project, not the form templates themselves. From the Form's Properties:

Relating Projects to a Form

  1. Navigate to the Projects tab in the Form Properties.
  2. Click the Modify Related button.BypPF-L15Nq8iPSCi2okXu4_3Ecw1NSW8g
  3. (Optional) Enter in search conditions to narrow the displayed available projects down.
  4. Select the desired project from the Available Projects list.
  5. Click the right-facing arrow to assign the project to be related to the form. trZ6_6FoEh7FVp1j8ABiQRlm6ucNcAhrJg
  6. Click the Close button (or close the window).NBtTDMNYx3B4HaMyZogiYQ3kWkW36hhgvQ
  7. Project should now be listed in the Projects tab of the Form Properties._dHLm-y92WB7mGLTwjTVt5MzUJwjvh1H_A

Removing Project Relationships from a Form

  1. Navigate to the Projects tab in the Form Properties.
  2. Check the box next to the project to be removed.
  3. Click the Remove Related button.mHvyvIdVMNHeYSfGVn2hCyW4hdhirYCSzA
  4. Click OK at the prompt.Sc4rpLMm5Qj4qhK5gcDJtrZ9FY-Pg5Ohng
  5. The project will no longer be listed in the Projects tab of the Form Properties.uaCVFf1POJKvP0gXEYA1M65L_RtT8VJ9fg

From the Project's Properties:


Relating Forms to a Project

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab of the Project Properties.
  2. Click on the Form Associations button. tdHECzkxwTXuSMNW4jXucJZlt6T3hz6gAA
  3. Select the Form Template of the desired form from the drop down list.
  4. (Optional) Enter in search conditions to narrow the list of available forms.
  5. Select the desired from in the Available Forms list.
  6. Click on the right-facing arrow to assign the form to be related to the project.28-hgFv2s35182pR4yWejMzwnIC0GMlHFQ
  7. Click on the Finish button.wnT_YliA8aRcni4VHKnkx-jfAimvEdq5nQ
  8. The Form should now be visible on the Forms tab in the Project Properties.qvjF1Z19h5p_DtZY04ZypVzlT29NX-TTtg

Removing Form Relationships from a Project

  1. Navigate to the Forms tab of the Project Properties.
  2. Click on the Form Associations button.0mVmJ0l1c84Pkk7qinGdO4vA_RyKM2jQ9w
  3. Select the form that needs to be removed from the relationship in the Assigned Forms list.
  4. Click the left-facing arrow to remove the form relationship.HJ6-Q15qGBa9PTJwGpMQve8D7T82_VzkRA
  5. Click finish (or close the window).RDxjgBAGYrUv27IePNtY5bahtbNGuTamNw
  6. The form will no longer be listed in the Forms tab of the Project Properties.jYU5CZ27WVmPYE3OzLve9IXa52a8WS21EA

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