Upload Documents
  • 11 Jan 2023
  • 3 Minutos para leer
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  • Oscuro

Upload Documents

  • Oscuro

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Documents can be uploaded from multiple locations within VisualVault.  The following is a list of locations where document uploads can occur:

  • Upload from any folder in the Document Library
  • Upload from the default top menu
  • Upload from the Parent, Child, or Related tabs of the Document ID Card
  • Upload from a Form Record
  • Captured Directly from Scanners

When users utilize any of the following upload mechanisms, they must have editor or owner permissions to the folder the document is being uploaded. The exception to this is when users upload documents using an upload button on a Form Record.

VisualVault accepts any electronic file stored on computer systems. The default size limit is 2 GB and the default upload time limit is 20 minutes. 

Upload Documents

Uploading Documents from a Folder

  1. When viewing the Document List tab of a Folder, select New Document (these functions will only be visible to owners and editors of the targeted folder).
  2. Once the File Upload window opens, Drag and Drop Files or Select Files to Upload from your system.
  3. Once the circle next to the file name has turned green, click Finish.
  4. After uploading documents, you will be brought to the following screen, where you can update document metadata. Metadata is any information that can be stored that helps users identify, classify or understand documents in VisualVault. Document Properties and Index Fields are both types of metadata.

    To update the description, document state, revision, or index fields of the electronic file, select one of the following icons:

    Alert Icon: An index field is required. Select the icon to enter the required information. 
    Pencil Icon: All required index fields have been entered or index fields data entry is not required. The document can be uploaded. 

    Updating Metadata on Several Uploaded Documents at Once

    When users are entering document information as shown in the previous image, if a value needs to be updated to be the same for multiple documents, users should:
    1. Select the checkbox next to the metadata or index fields that should be the same in the right-hand pane.
    2. Select the checkbox next to every document where the value should apply.
    3. Select the Apply to All Documents button at the top right-hand area of the window.
    4. After editing the document information, select Save to Vault.

Upload from the Top Menu

  1. Hover over the Documents menu item.
  2. Select the New Document menu item.
  3. In the File Upload window, select which folder to upload the document to.
  4. Continue the upload process by following steps 2-4 from Uploading Documents from a Folder.

Upload from the Parent, Child, or Related tabs of the Document ID Card

Uploading documents on a Parent, Child, or Related tab not only uploads a document to the Document Library but also creates the respective document relationship.

To upload a document from one of the three relationship tabs:

  1. Open the Document ID Card for the document to be related to by clicking on the Document ID from any list of documents.
  2. Click on the Parent, Child, or Related tab, depending on the desired relationship.
  3. Click the New Document button.
  4. In the File Upload window, select which folder to upload the document to.
  5. Continue the upload process by following steps 2-4 from Uploading Documents from a Folder.

Upload from a Form Record

Uploading a document from an iForm is as simple as clicking the Upload button and selecting a file from your device.

  1. Click on the Upload button that is configured on the Form Record.
  2. Continue the upload process by following steps 2-4 from Uploading Documents from a Folder.

Your system administrator will often configure the upload button to show the number of documents in parentheses after they have been uploaded. Once a document has been uploaded to a Form Record, it cannot be deleted from the Form Record, although the Document-to-Form relationship can be removed. Documents can only be deleted from VisualVault via the Document Library.

Captured Directly from Scanners

Scanning stations can scan physical documents and push them electronically to VisualVault. These are especially useful for high volumes of physical documents that need to be sorted and accessed electronically. There are several scanning and capturing tools used with VisualVault, including Kofax Express and the VisualVault Import Utility. 

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