Menus Master Document
  • 10 Mar 2023
  • 13 Minutos para leer
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  • Oscuro

Menus Master Document

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo


This article refers to the use of the Menu Administration tool.

Menu Administration gives administrators the capability to organize the top VisualVault menu, showing users what they need to see within the application. 

  • This can help expose VisualVault functionality based upon the business processes that customers need to accomplish. 

Only VaultAccess users can modify menu layouts and publish them to the correct users. 

Administering Menus

To administer menus, the administrator needs to know the following pieces of information:

  1. What business functions need to be accomplished for each group of users?
  2. What functionality needs to be exposed to each user to accomplish their business function?
    • Do they need to see documents in the document library?
    • Do they need to fill in certain forms?
    • Do they need to see specific form data dashboards?
    • Are there projects that they need to see?
    • Are there any saved searches available for the user?
    • Are there any custom pages that need to be developed and published to users?
  3. Will a custom page, or portal need to be configured and set as the default page for the different user groups?

Default Menu Layout

There is a default menu layout for first-time uses logging into VisualVault. 

  • A default menu will be included in the Menu Library so that administrators can roll back to this default configuration.

 Default Menu Layout for VisualVault is as follows:








Document Library

Form Templates

Training Log

Show Projects



Advanced Search

My Open Forms

Workflow Log

New Projects

About VisualVault

New DocumentForm Library

Form Data

There is a file called in the root directory of the Web Application. This file can be used as a base to create new menu layouts by importing the file, or it can be used to recover the default menu if all the menu sets were deleted.

The Menu Library refers to a listing of Menu Sets or custom menu layouts that can be assigned for use within VisualVault.

  • Only one menu set can be used or enabled at a time. 

A Menu Set is a layout of Menu Items. 

  • Menu Items can be organized in any manner that helps users interface with the business processes implemented in VisualVault. 
  • Administrators can configure each Menu Item to have certain functions, then they can assign those functions to certain users. 
  • Once a Menu Set has been configured, Administrators can Export the menu set so that it can be used in other installations of VisualVault or to backup the current configuration.

When discussing Menu Items, the following terms may be used:

  • Parent Menu: Any menu item that has one too many menu items branched under it.
  • Submenu: Peer menu items grouped under a parent menu item.
  • Menu Item: Each configurable and selectable item in a menu.

Adding and Deleting a Menu Set

Adding a Menu Set

To add a Menu Set, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. Use the Add Menu Set button which will open a new window.
  6. In the window that appears, enter the Menu Set Name and Menu Set Description.  
  7. Once finished, use one of the two save buttons:
    • Save And Add Another: This can be used if multiple menus need to be created.
      • This will save the previous information entered and reset the screen so new menu information can be entered.
    • Save: This will save and close the current window.


Deleting a Menu Set

To delete a Menu Set, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.  
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. Select the checkbox next to the name of the Menu Set that should be deleted and use the Delete Selected Menu button.  
  6. In the confirmation message that appears, select Ok to confirm deletion of the menu set.

Enabling and Disabling a Default Menu Set

When VisualVault is installed, all users will see a default menu set until another menu set is created and set as the new default or until a user is assigned to a different menu.

The default menu is identified by the checkmark in the Active column.


Once a menu is created and users are added, it is active.  The active column only displays if the Menu Set is the default menu.

Enable a Default Menu Set

To enable a default menu set:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.  
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. In the Activate Column, select the Make Default link next to the menu that should be made the default.  

Deactivate a Default Menu Set

There are two ways to disable a default menu set:

  1. Make another menu set the default.
    • This would follow the steps in Enable a Default Menu Set.
  2. Using the Deactivate Link.
    • This would activate the built in default menu.  Any users assigned to other menus would see their assigned menu upon logging in.

To disable a menu set using the Deactivate link:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.  
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. In the Activate Column, select the Deactivate link next to the current default menu.
    • This will remove the checkmark in the Active column.

Modifying a Menu Set Layout

Exporting and Importing a Menu Set

Once a menu set has been created, the option to import/export becomes available.  These options are visible when selecting the name of the Menu Set to reveal the Menu Details (also known as the Menu ID Card).


Export a Menu Set

To export a menu set:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.  
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. Select the name of the desired Menu Set to open the Menu Details/Menu ID Card.
  6. Select the Export Menu Set button.  

Import a Menu Set

To import a menu set:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. Select the name of the desired Menu Set to open the Menu Details/Menu ID Card.
  6. Select the Import Menu Set button.
  7. In the popup import window that appears, use the Select button to choose a zip file of the desired menu set to import.  
  8. Once a menu set has been selected, use the Begin Import button.

Adding Items to a Menu Set

The example below is beginning with a menu that has not yet been completed, however, the principle of adding items is the same as when updating an existing menu.

This section contains instructions for adding:

  • A parent menu item
  • A child menu item

Adding Parent Menu Items

To add items to a menu set:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.  
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.  
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. Under the Menus column, select the EditMenu link in the row of the desired menu.  
  6. In the window that appears, use the Add button to add a new item to the menu.
    • This will add New Item to the left column and the following buttons will be enabled:
      • Edit
      • Copy to Clipboard
  7. Once an item has been added, select the item from the left column and use the Edit button.
    • This will bring up the Menu Node Properties window which has two tabs:
      • Properties
      • Security
  8. In the Menu Node Properties window, update Node Properties as desired.  
    • Please note that depending on the specific Action selection from the drop down, there may be additional configuration options available in the Action Properties (this will be covered in the section titled Security).
  9. When all desired configurations have been made, use one of the following buttons to save:
    • Save and Close: This will save the configuration and close out of the Menu Node Properties window.
    • Save Details: This will save the configuration and keep the Menu Node Properties window open so additional configurations can be made.

Adding Child Menu Items

Once a parent menu item has been created, upon selection of the parent item in the left column, the Add Child button becomes available.


Similar to the adding of a parent item, when the Add Child button is used, New Item will appear in the right column Child Menu Items.


Using the same steps in the previous section, update the Menu Node Properties and Security as desired.

Modifying Security for a Menu Item

Applying Security to Menu Items

When adding menu items, security can be configured for each item added.  Something to note is that if no security is applied to menu items, anyone assigned to the menu will be able to see/interact with the item.

  • Even if someone can see/interact with a menu item, some areas of VisualVault will not permit someone to navigate to the selected item due to additional security requirements (an example would be Form Templates).

To apply security to a menu item:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. Under the Menus column, select the EditMenu link in the row of the desired menu.  
  6. In the window that appears, select the desired menu item and select the Edit button.  
  7. In the Menu Node Properties window, select the Security tab.  
  8. Select the Modify link.
  9. Select the desired group(s) that should be added and use the top button to add to the Assigned Members list.  
  10. When all desired groups have been added, use the X button to close the window.
  11. Navigate back to the Properties tab and use one of the save buttons to confirm changes.  

Removing Security from Menu Items

To remove security from a menu item:

  1. Log in as a VaultAccess user to VisualVault.   
  2. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.
  3. Select the Admin Tools tab.
  4. Select Menus.  
  5. Under the Menus column, select the EditMenu link in the row of the desired menu.  
  6. In the window that appears, select the desired menu item and select the Edit button.
  7. In the Menu Node Properties window, select the Security tab.
  8. Select the Modify link.
  9. Select the desired group(s) from the Assigned Members section and use the left-facing arrow to remove the group.  
  10. Navigate back to the Properties tab and use one of the save buttons to commit the change.  

The below sections will show the Action Properties available for each Action selected when configuring menus.

  • Some selections will automatically have Popup Properties selected as they are required to ensure the functionality of the Action.


When configuring a new menu item, this is the default selection.

  • This indicates that no action will be taken if the item is selected.

This is typically used for parent menu items that do not necessarily be selected.

  • An example would be if there is a menu for Admin users, where the child menu items will lead users to specific actions for their role.
    • The menu header Admin is meant to inform users that the below child items are specific to their role and selecting Admin will not bring the user anywhere.


About VisualVault

This will display a popup window that shows the current version information.


Advanced Search

Launches Advanced Search or a Saved Search.


Analytics Dashboards

Launches the Analytics Dashboard Administration.



Launches the Availability Calendar.


Company Locations

Launches the Site Administration: Location which is normally accessed through the Control Panel.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.


Custom URL

Launches a specific URL.  This can be to an external site or to a specific internal source such as a specific Analytics Dashboard.



Launches the Site Administration: Customer from the Control Menu.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.


Database Connections Administration

Launches Database Connections Admin screen from the Control Panel.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.


Document Library

Launches the Document Library or a specific folder's contents. If a folder is specified, the user accessing from the menu MUST have access to the folder or they will not be able to access it.


Drop Down List Administration

Launches the Drop Down List Administration screen from the Control Panel.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.


Email Subscriptions

Launches the Email Alerts tab of the Control Panel.  

Options available on screen are:

  • Folder Alerts
  • Document Alerts
  • Project Alerts
  • Email Templates


Email Template Administration

Launches the list of email templates available on the site from the Control Panel.  Falls under the Email Alerts tab. 

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.


Form Data

Launches the Form Data Administration screen or a specific form dashboard.


Form Fill-in

Launches the Form Library or a specific form for fill-in.


Form Library

Launches the Form Library.  Forms can be filled in from this location.


Form Templates

Launches the Form Template Administration screen.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.



Launches the Group Administration screen from the Control Panel.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.



Launches the VisualVault Help Site (


Line Break

This item can only be used as a child menu item and not a parent-level/top-level menu item.  Add additional details as known. - RETEST



Logs the user out of VisualVault.


Menu Administration

Launches the Menu Administration/Menu Library from the Control Panel.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.


Module Administration

Launches the Module Library from Enterprise Tools in the Control Panel.

  • Must be VaultAccess to access.

wz3VMKprb9-gco_Rdkusv2yhScOBJchXXwNew Project navYI8Tsvu_6u8XaN_T1pq-oJpH_LV9Q6Q

Launches the Project Creation screen.


Offline Forms

Launches the Offline Forms Administration screen.

  • In order for this to open successfully, there will need to be additional configurations in the Control Panel.


Open Forms

Launches a list of forms created by a user by Template.


Outside Process Administration

Launches Web Services Administration screen.

  • When this screen opens, the label says "Outside Process".
  • Only VaultAccess can access.


Page Administration

Launches the Page Library.

  • Only VaultAccess can access.


Page Link

Launches Page Library screen. 

  • Only VaultAccess can access.


Portal Administration

Launches the Portal Administration screen from the Control Panel beginning with the Portal Page Administration tab.

  • Only VaultAccess can access.


Portal List

Launches Default User Portal.



Launches User Preferences screen for user access.


Report Server

Launches the Report Server.

  • It is recommended to use VisualVault Reports instead when creating new reports.


Scheduled Process Administration

Launches the Scheduled Process Administration screen from the Control Panel.

  • Only VaultAccess can access.



Launches the list of Saved Searches accessible to the user.


Show Projects

Launches the Project Administration screen.

  • Provides a list of Projects accessible to the user or to a specific project.  Also has the option to create a new project.


Simple Upload Document

Launches a new document upload. Upload allows for the following:

  • Single or Multiple documents added.
  • Index Field Edits.
  • Folder Selection.



Launches the Site Administration: Suppliers from the Control Panel.

  • Only VaultAccess can access.


Training Log

Launches the Training Log.  The log lists all training (completed and not complete) by the user.

  • Any user assigned as a Supervisor to other users will be able to see their own training and training assigned to the users they s


Training Record

Launches Training list for users.


Upload Document

Launches a new document upload similar to that of the Simple Document Upload.

  • The key difference is that there are additional configuration options in the menu item setup.



Launches the User Administration screen from the Control Panel.

  • Only VaultAccess and VaultAdmins can access.



Reloads the Home page of the Vault. This is the same screen that is visible when first logging into a site.


VisualVault Reports

Launches the VisualVault Reports home screen. This should be used in place of the Report Server.

  • If a user does not have access to any reports, the page will only show the header.



Launches the Workflow Reports which lists all workflows administered for forms/documents/training for the user.


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