Document Properties
  • 17 Mar 2023
  • 4 Minutos para leer
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  • Oscuro

Document Properties

  • Oscuro

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This document will review document properties. 

The document properties are found by clicking on the document ID link in a document list. All documents loaded into VisualVault are assigned a unique document id. This ID may be a preconfigured naming convention established in the properties of a folder, a unique id based upon the file name, or an id based upon an assigned value given by the user when the document was uploaded.

Document Properties Tabs

Document ID Card

All general information (or metadata) about a document is included on the Document ID Card. Document Information (or metadata) that characterize a document are as follows:

  • Create Workflow: used to create adhoc workflows. Active when no workflow exists.
  • Active Workflows: displays and communicates number of current active workflows
  • Workflow History: provides history of workflows completed for a document
  • Check Out: allows editor or owner to checkout a document. This area changes to check in and undo checkout when a document is checked out.
  • View Document: link launches the document and gives the user the ability to download or open the attached document.
  • Folder Path: displays the folder where the document is stored
  • Document ID: unique identifier of the document
  • Description: Describes the document. This information is originally populated as the filename, but can be edited by the user.
  • Keywords: displays cross reference words to assist with document searches. These are input by users manually.
  • Comments: displays a document summary or any other information input into this field by the users. (this is also a searchable field)
  • File Name: name of file placed in the Document Library. Name can be modified here. Special characters stripped from the name if present.
  • File Type: displays the application file type of the document
  • File Size: displays the size in KB
  • Created: date when first saved
  • Created by: name of owner.
  • Checked Out: displays the date and time the last revision of the record was checked out
  • Checked Out By: displays the User ID of the last user to check out a revision of the document
  • Library Status: shows whether the document is checked in or checked out of the library currently.
  • Document Status: shows whether the document is released or unreleased
  • Index Fields: located on a tab now, additional fields for adding indexed information to the Doc ID. These fields added at the folder level.
  • Archive Status: status of active or archived.
  • Review Date: displays the date the document is scheduled for review (before this date is reached the document owners will receive email alerts or a review workflow will be initiated.)
  • Expiration Date: displays the date the document is scheduled for expirations (before this date is reached the document owners will receive email alerts or a document expiration workflow will be initiated.  If no action is taken by the expiration date, the document will be automatically pushed into the configured document archive action.)

Document ID Card View


From the document id card, users can navigate to related documents, forms, or projects. Editors and owners can also view the various revisions of a particular document and establish training for the document. Owners can modify security.

Relationship Tabs

The document properties are important because it facilitates the establishment of relationships within VisualVault. For example, if there is an ISO Procedure that contains 10 different Work Instructions, those work instructions can be related to the procedure document. After the relationship is established, once a user has found a Work Instruction, they can also know and read the procedure (parent document) if they have access (viewer rights or higher) to the document. For more detailed information on document relationships, refer to the Document Relations section.

Parent Tab View (Other Relationship Tabs Look Identical)v5lmCQJW6G77jzi3Jd7H6nUp7SQmRG3y6g

Index Fields 

The Index Fields tab lists all the index field data associated with the document. These index fields are used to help describe or categorize a document in greater detail. Users can change the index field data from this tab, but associating index fields to a document (i.e. determining what index fields a document will have) is done at the Folder level. For more detailed information on index fields, view the Index Fields section.

 Index Fields Tab View



All of the document's previous revisions are listed in the "Revisions" tab. Editor and Owner users can view this tab, and access links to the previous revisions of the document. Viewer users will not have access to this tab. For more information on document revisions, view the Document Revisioning section.YV-Pq0L89yNmSOO1uabBT6NTL_i51Ebp8w


The History tab displays all of the actions taken on the document or any of its revisions, including checking in/out the document, viewing/downloading the document, and modifying security, workflows, or other data associated with the document. This tab will log the action taken, which user performed the action, at what time the action was performed, and which revision of the document the action was taken upon.

 History Tab View



The Security tab lists which users have access to the document, what type of access they have, and from where they were assigned these rights. Owner users can also modify the individual document security from this tab. For more information on security, view the Document Security section.

Security assigned at the folder level CANNOT be removed at the document level. Only security assigned at the document level can be removed through the security tab of a document's properties.

Security Tab View



Since there are many documents or procedures that require employee training in order to meet various regulations or standards, VisualVault incorporates this functionality into a special kind of workflow - the training workflow. In this tab, all users who have been assigned or completed a training task associated with the document are listed.

Each entry includes the user's ID, the training status, the revision of the document for which the training was issued, the training workflow route, the date the training was approved, the date the training was completed, the date the training will expire, and the competency level of the individual who completed the training. Clicking on the arrow on the far left side of an entry will display the users assigned to approve the training, their approval vote, and the date of their approval vote. For more information on the training workflow, see the Training Workflows section.

 Training Tab View


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