Copy or Move Folder
  • 24 Sep 2021
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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  • Oscuro

Copy or Move Folder

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo


This action is meant to copy or move folders, depending on the configuration, from one path to another when triggered by the workflow.  These folders are always located under the Document Library on VisualVault’s core page.


Drag and drop the Copy or Move Folder action from the list on the left into the diagram, under the correspondent “+” icon.


Copy or Move Folder

Customize the name and description of the action on the Step Properties panel to the right.


Select the Folder Action you would like to apply. The options are Copy Folder or Move Folder.


Source Path

In order to establish the path from where the folder will be collected, click on the pencil icon after Source Path, on the bottom right of the Step Properties window.


On the Enter Path field, type in or paste the path within the Document Library, from where the original folder is to be collected.  Since the main Folder will always be “Document Library”, the path is indicated starting from the next “/” and there is no need to mention the first part of it.


  • Workflow Variables can be added to the Path.  Select the Variable from the drop-down menu and then click on Append Token. 


Once the path is set, click on Save to commit the change and return to the workflow diagram.


Destination Path

To establish the path where the folder will be copied or moved to, click on the pencil icon after Destination Path, on the bottom right of the Step Properties window.


Type in or paste the path within the Document Library, where the copy of the folder, or the folder itself, is to be placed.  Since the main Folder will always be “Document Library”, the path is indicated starting from the next “/” and there is no need to mention the first part of it.


  • Workflow Variables can be added to the Path.  Select the Variable from the drop-down menu and then click on Append Token.   


Once the path is set, click on Save to commit the change and return to the workflow diagram. 


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