User ID Card
  • 27 Sep 2021
  • 6 Minutos para leer
  • Colaboradores
  • Oscuro

User ID Card

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo


This article reviews the User Administration tool, specifically the details within the User ID Card.

  • This will include how to set an expiration date for a User ID.

 The User Administration tool is found in the Control Panel under Administration Tools - Users.  This screen is utilized to create users, modify users, enable/disable users and delete users.  

Administrators can modify the user account for the following properties:

  • Change user passwords
  • Administer user groups
  • Manager supervisor assignment
  • Update user preferences
  • Set user and password expiration
  • View user history
  • View user task list

Only enabled users are counted for licensing or billing purposes.

A User ID and/or password can be set to expire as long as the User ID is a VisualVault database User ID. (Refer to User Details for an explanation on types of User IDs.) 

  • This is helpful when customers, suppliers, or contractors are given access to VisualVault for a given fixed period of time. 
  • The User ID can be configured in any combination where the ID will expire, the password will expire, or both will expire. 
    • When the User ID expires, the ID will be disabled, and the user will not be able to log in. 
    • When the password is expired, the user will be forced to change the password the next time they log in.

User ID Card

When viewing the user list, selecting a User ID will open the User ID Card.

There are 7 tabs within a User ID Card:

  1. Details
    • Includes information such as:
      • User Account Properties
      • Authentication
      • Password Expiration
      • HTTP API Access
  2. History
  3. Training
  4. Supervisors
  5. Groups
  6. Task List
  7. Preferences
    • Includes information such as:
      • Two Factor Authentication
      • User Culture
      • Default Start Page
      • Document Upload Defaults
      • Default Grid Settings
      • Default Quick Search
      • User Signature Image

The below sections will illustrate each tab and offer additional explanations.

Details Tab

The User Details tab is the first tab of the User ID Card where administrators can change specific user account information.

  • Only fields relevant to the Authentication Type selected will be available to be updated.
  • When users are part of the VaultAccess group, special rules are applied to each user that prevents those user accounts from being modified. 

Details Tab Buttons


The buttons available are:

  • Save
    • Used when any details on this tab are updated.
  • Change Password
    • Allows for a manual reset process.
  • Send Password Reset Email
  • Unlock Account
    • This is enabled when a user has attempted logging in numerous times, causing the account to become locked.
      • This should be used prior to any new passwords being created.

User Account Properties Fields


The following fields are available:

  • User Enabled Checkbox: 
    • Enables user account in VisualVault. If disabled, the user is not counted towards the number of user licenses used in VisualVault.
  • User ID: 
    • Used to set user name used for logging into VisualVault.
  • First Name, MI, Last Name: 
    • Area for entering a first name, middle initial, and last name of the user.
  • Email Address: 
    • The field for setting email address. 
    • This field is important because it is used for workflow notification and forgotten password mechanisms.
  • Employee ID: 
    • Field used for keeping track of the Employee ID. 
    • VaultAdmins, VaultAccess, and Supervisors can see this identification. 
    • The label can be changed to track other information.
  • Employee Status: 
    • Field used for keeping track of user employment status. 
    • Configuration is set in the configuration settings 
  • Home Site:
    • The default home site when creating a new user is based on the first user created for the site.
    • This is used to drive access/visibility within VisualVault.



The following fields are available:

  • Authentication Type:
    • Dictates authentication method.
    • Available Options:
      • Database
        • This can also be selected for users who utilize SSO Authentication.
      • LDAP (Active Directory/eDirectory)
        • Requires additional setup.
  • ID Never Expires Checkbox:
    • Dictates whether or not the User ID expires.
    • When the User ID expires, users will be disabled.
      • To re-enable, a new expiration must be specified and the User Enabled Checkbox should be used.
  • User ID Expires:
    • Indicates when the User ID will expire.
    • This field cannot be modified unless the ID Never Expires Checkbox is disabled/unchecked.
  • LDAP Path:
    • Documents the distinguished name or User ID for the user used to log in.
  • LDAP User ID:
    • Documents the LDAP path for Active Directory and Novell eDirectory users.

Password Expiration


The following fields are available:

  • Password Never Expires Checkbox:
    • Dictates whether or not the password expires.
    • When the Password expires, users will not be able to log in.
  • Password Change Required Checkbox:
    • Dictates whether or not the user will need to change their password upon login.
      • This is often seen when sending a password reset email.
      • This is also used if a manual password reset is completed.
  • Password Expiration Date:
    • Indicates when the Password will expire.
    • This field is not enabled unless the Password Never Expires Checkbox is disabled/unchecked.



This section allows for the user account to be used in secure REST API authentication mechanisms.  

  • It is usually used as a single secure document that has permission to do actions within VisualVault.  
  • Any time it is renewed, the code used to call the REST API should be modified to have the new code.

The following fields are available:

  • API Key:
    • When signing into tools/REST API, this is the User ID.
  • API Secret:
    • When signing into tools/REST API, this is the password.
  • Generate New Key:
    • This button allows for a new API Key/Secret to be generated.

History Tab


In order to meet the demands of compliance systems, the user history tab displays the actions of a user or what administrators have configured that affect a user. 

  • This information is only available to Administrators and Supervisors within VisualVault. 
  • The list of history items can be narrowed by using the filter (Search) to retrieve pertinent information.

Available Columns (can be sorted):

  • Activity
  • Date/Time
  • Type
  • Performed By

Training Tab


This tab will display any training assigned to the specific user account for documents and forms.

  • Although the column is Doc ID, when a form is listed for training, it is the Form Template Name that is visible.

Available Columns (can be sorted):

  • Doc ID
  • Description
  • Rev
  • Status
  • Approval Route
    • The option to modify this is available.
  • Unnamed Column
    • This will show the current progress of the assigned training.

Supervisors Tab


This tab displays the assigned supervisors and allows for modification or direct removal of assigned supervisors.

Groups Tab


This tab displays the currently assigned groups and allows for modification or direct removal of assigned groups.

  • Selecting the Group Name link will open a window displaying the Group ID Card.

For details concerning administering groups, please refer to the article: Groups Master Document.

Task List Tab


This tab shows all of the following:

  • Tasks
  • Approvals
  • Training
  • Training Approvals

Preferences Tab

This is the location where the start page can be set up, default document upload location, default rows per page, default quick search, and the ability to change the user password.

There are three methods of updating preferences:

  1. When logged into the desired account, using the menu under the User ID.
    • This is referred to as My Preferences.
    • This does not require access to the Control Panel.
  2. When modifying a user account as an Administrator.
  3. When modifying as a Supervisor.

Both screens have similar functionality and will be discussed below.

  • Default Start Page: Allows the configuration of what page the user begins on when they login to VisualVault.
  • Document Upload Defaults: Default folder where the user usually uploads documents. Users are not restricted to this folder for uploading documents.
  • Default Grid Settings: Number of rows that every page will display by default.
  • Default Quick Search: Default search is used when the user utilizes quick search.
  • Change Password: Area where database user’s passwords can be changed. This is only available on My Preferences.
    • For additional details concerning the changing of passwords, please refer to the article Modifying Passwords.



Set User ID to Expire

To Set a User ID to Expire:

  1. Hover over the user information in the upper right-hand corner of the window and select Control Panel.   B37IV3MrxMBIdCmRdxzNc4K0yj4kAyfHNg
  2. Select the Admin Tools Tab.  
  3. Select Users.  
  4. Under the User ID column, select the user who should be updated.
  5. Scroll down to the Authentication section.
  6. Uncheck the box User ID Never Expires.
  7. Update the value for User ID Expires On to desired expiration date.  
  8. When finished, use the Save button.  

¿Te ha sido útil este artículo?

Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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