Report Types in VisualVault
  • 29 Mar 2023
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Report Types in VisualVault

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In this section, we will review all available reports and how they can be accessed in VisualVault.

VisualVault offers many reporting options to allow access to important information about the data collected in the system. Whatever your reporting needs are, VisualVault has robust options available to suit any organization.

VisualVault Report DesignerThe VisualVault Report Designer allows you to create data-bound reports and provides a rich set of tools to construct report layouts that meet your requirements. 

Built-in Reports

Built-in Reports require no administrator configuration, are accessible by those that have been given sufficient permissions, and are available in VisualVault out-of-the-box

Business Process Stats

The Business Process Stats dashboard displays information about the Workflows in Progress and Workflows in Error State. Open the Process Design Studio to be brought to the Business Process Stats dashboard.

The Business Process Stats screen in the Process Design Studio.
The Business Process Stats dashboard.


Training Log

Administrators and supervisors can use the Training Log to monitor the progress of training on form templates or documents within VisualVault. 

The Training Log showing one training that is Pending Approval. When the left arrow is expanded, details about the current status, such as an assigned approver, is provided.Training Log


Legacy Feature
The Training Log uses the legacy workflow engine that was standard on VisualVault Version 4 and older. This feature is still supported in VisualVault Version 5 and newer, but will only be enabled in customer databases already utilizing this feature.

Workflow Reports (Legacy)

Workflow Reports display a list of all active workflows' important details. This page only shows workflows created with the legacy workflow engine, not workflows created by the Process Design Studio.

The legacy Workflow Report screen.A legacy workflow report.


Legacy Feature
The legacy workflow engine is standard on VisualVault Version 4 and older. While the legacy workflow engine is supported in all versions of VisualVault it may not be enabled in customer databases using Version 5 and newer. The Process Design Studio is the preferred workflow engine in Version 5 and newer.

Configurable Reports

The following reporting options are available for administrators to configure.

Form Data Dashboards

A Form Data Dashboard can act as a detailed report of data or a work queue.  They report on data collected from form records. Users who have owner permissions over a form template can create a dashboard. Data in the dashboards can be exported or printed.

An example of a Form Data Dashboard being used to display a report of Employee Records.An example of a Form Data Dashboard being used to display a report of Employee Records.


Document Lists

When reporting on documents stored in the Document Library, you can add a Document List to a portal or tab of a project within VisualVault. This list is a detailed report that can show standard document metadata or index field metadata. This report can only be viewed, it cannot be printed or exported. 

Document Lists have been added to the right-hand side of the User Portal.


Document View

Another option for reporting on documents is to create a Document View. Owners of folders or Administrators can configure custom Document Views that are visible when viewing a folder or search results. The view can contain standard document metadata or index fields. These views are detailed views that can be seen by anyone accessing the folder or search results. They cannot be printed or exported.

Creating a new Document View.


Custom Reports

Custom Reports can be created to reflect specific business needs by using the user-friendly Report Designer or Analytics Dashboard. When creating a custom report, administrators can pull data from varying Data Sources within VisualVault.

Report Designer

The VisualVault Report Designer allows you to create data-bound reports and provides a rich set of tools to construct report layouts that meet your requirements. Through design wizards and simple drag-and-drop motions, administrators can quickly create ad-hoc reports that are unique to their organization's needs.

Reports created with the Report Designer can be printed or exported by users viewing the report. They can either display a static set of data or be filtered by certain parameters such as a date range or user. The look and details reported on are completely customizable by the administrator designing the report.

VisualVault Report Designer


Analytics Dashboard

The Analytics Dashboard allows administrators to create dashboards directly in VisualVault by providing an intuitive UI that facilitates data binding, shaping, layout design, and many other features. Many of these normally complex tasks can be accomplished with a simple drag-and-drop operation, allowing you to start creating dashboards immediately. 

Analytics Dashboards have many uses in VisualVault and are commonly used as a replacement for the traditional portal screens seen on users' homepages. These dashboards are dynamic and allow users to click into various components to drill down information that is relevant to their work tasks.

Reports created with the Analytics Dashboard can be printed or exported by users viewing the report. They can either display a static set of data or be filtered dynamically.

An example of an Analytics Dashboard being used as a portal page.Analytics Dashboard


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