Form Data Lookup
  • 24 Sep 2021
  • 3 Minutos para leer
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  • Oscuro

Form Data Lookup

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo


This action will be used to fulfill Data Set Variables with information collected from Forms. These Variables will be used later as a source of data for other actions, such as Loop and some actions added within it.


Drag and drop the Form Data Lookup action from the list on the left into the diagram, under the correspondent “+” icon.


Form Data Lookup

Customize the name and description of the action on the Step Properties panel to the right.


Setup Query

In order to establish which Form Field will fulfill each Variable, click on Setup Query.


Step 1

Select the Form you would like to use as source for fulfilling your variables.


Click on + Add Filter to start building the queries to be applied on that form.


The Data Source will default to the form previously selected.  Select the Form Field to be used on the comparison.


Choose the type of comparison to be applied.


The comparison options available on the drop-down list will be subjected to the type of data contained on the first field.

  • = : Equal
  • <> : Not Equal
  • : Greater Than
  • : Less Than
  • >= : Greater Than or Equal
  • <= : Less Than or Equal
  • Range
  • contains
  • not contains
  • begins with
  • ends with

Select the second source for comparison.


  • Value: Compare it with a specific value
  • WF Variable: Variables created inside the Workflow you are working on
  • You can add more comparison lines by clicking on the + Add Filter and remove them by selecting it on the left side of the item and clicking on Remove Filter.   deNZAKCi8WDmSWRNrfW--uqWqDrea_zSAA
  • If you need to change the primarily source of the comparison, select a different Form on the top and all linked comparisons will disappear from the screen.


When more than one line of comparison is added, they can be separated with operators in order to indicate the server exactly what needs to be searched and compared, as well as in which order.

  • And: all comparisons, or sets of comparisons, followed by AND need to be TRUE in order for the query to be TRUE. 
  • Or: if at least one of the comparisons, or set of comparisons, followed by OR is TRUE, the query will be TRUE.
  • Parenthesis: are available in case you need to set priority between the different lines or set of lines. Once you open the parenthesis at the beginning of a line, it needs to be closed at the end of the same line or at the end of the group of lines you would like to prioritize. UAUE2A8wH9xIhL3Wid1aieiEGbGC_UvkcQ

After all comparisons are set, click on Next.   


Step 2

On Step 2 you will set the mapping between Form Fields and WF Variables.  You can select a Data Set Variable previously created on the Workflow.


And you can also create new Data Set from scratch by clicking on the “+” icon.


Add a name to your Data Set and click on Next.


Select the Form Fields to be mapped and click on Next.


Variables will be automatically created based on the Form Fields you selected, using their Name and Data Type in order to facilitate the work and avoid having to build each variable manually. 

You can still edit or delete each one by clicking on the ellipsis button on the right.


When adding a new variable or editing one, you will be able to add the Name, Data Type, and Value.  After all details are set, click on Save.


  • The Values can be added as default on the variables, however, the intention of this action is to fulfill them, therefore if there is a pre-established value and the variable is mapped, it will be overwritten.

After all variables are created and customized, click on Next.


The Data Set created here, will now be available on the drop-down menu.  Select the one you would like to use.


Then click on + Add Mapping to start connecting Form Fields to Variables.


Select the Form Field.


Select the Variable that will be fulfilled with the information stored on that Form Field.


  • Each relation will be added on a new line by clicking on + Add Mapping.
  • Lines can be deleted by selecting the item on the left and then clicking on Remove Mapping.  429IW5jumSVf9ei3DowApMBWZ2S6DyxfKA

After the mapping is complete, click on Save to commit the changes and return to the workflow diagram.


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