  • 25 May 2023
  • 1 Minuto para leer
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Resumen del artículo

 GET   /files

Download a file using a document search query.

Query Parameters
sortStringThe name of a data column to sort by.
sortDirStringSort direction.
  • asc: Ascending order
  • desc: Descending order
qStringA VisualVault REST API Data Query.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 GET   /files/{id}

Download a file by document ID.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe document id.

 POST   /files

Upload a file revision from form data.

Body Parameters
checkInBoolCheck in status of the document.
checkInDocumentState*StringDocument status.
  • Unreleased (0)
  • Released (1)
  • Pending (2)
revision*StringDocument revision number.
fileNameStringThe name of the file.
changeReason*StringReason for the change.
indexFieldsStringIndex field names and values as a JSON array or object string.
parameters{FileParameter}Optional parameters.
fileId*GuidThe ID of the file.
documentId*GuidThe ID of the document.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 POST   /files/file

Upload a file.

Body Parameters
allowNoFileBoolAllows a document to be created with no attached file (or a file containing 0 bytes).
checkInStringCheck in status.
  • CheckedIn (0)
  • CheckedOut (1)
checkInDocumentStateStringDocument status.
  • Unreleased (0)
  • Released (1)
  • Pending (2)
fileLengthStringSize of the file (in bytes).
fileNameStringThe name of the file.
revisionStringDocument revision number.
changeReasonStringReason for the change.
fileIdGuidThe ID of the file.
documentId*GuidThe ID of the document.
indexFields{IndexField}Index field names and values as a JSON array or object string.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

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What's Next
Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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