Create Document from Template
  • 24 Sep 2021
  • 3 Minutos para leer
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  • Oscuro

Create Document from Template

  • Oscuro

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Resumen del artículo


The Create Document from Template action is used to create Documents in the Document Library using a template. 


To add the Create Document from Template action to the workflow diagram, drag and drop the action from the list on the left into the diagram, under the correspondent "+" icon.


Create Document

Customize the name and description of the action on the Step Properties panel to the right.



To set the folder path, search conditions, and mappings of the created document, click on Configure.


Target Folder Path

Type in or paste the path within the Document Library, where the Document is to be placed.  Since the root Folder will always be “Document Library”, the path is indicated begins with "/" to begin from the next folder level.


  • Workflow Variables can be added to dynamically create the folder path. Select the Variable from the drop-down menu and then click on Append Token.   Rc-hH5lEQf3FrbXJzlak1Fw1qvFgHkc0zA

Document Search Conditions

To set the conditions for your document search, go to the Document Search Conditions tab and click on + New Condition.


Select the first Data Source of your comparison line.


  • Document Fields: Fields from the Document you will select
  • Index Fields: Document’s metadata fields that can be set up on the Core
  • Data Set Variable: This option will only be available if the Action is inside a Loop

 Select the corresponding Document or Index Field.


Select the type of comparison you want to apply between sources. 


The comparison options available on the drop-down list will be subjected to the type of data contained on the first field

  • = : Equal
  • <> : Not Equal
  • > : Greater Than
  • < : Less Than
  • >= : Greater Than or Equal
  • <= : Less Than or Equal
  • Range
  • contains
  • notcontains
  • begins with
  • ends with

 Select the second source for comparison.


  • WF Variable: Variables created inside the Workflow you are working on
  • Value: Compare it with a specific value

Select the correspondent WF Variable or type in the Value.


  • If you select incompatible fields for comparison, you will receive an error message on the top of the screen and won't be able to continue.  Make sure you select fields that contain the same kind of data. 


  • You can add more comparison lines by clicking on the + New Condition and remove them by selecting it on the left side of the item and clicking on Remove Condition.



When more than one line of comparison is added, they can be separated with operators in order to indicate the server exactly what needs to be searched and compared, as well as in which order.

  • And: all comparisons, or sets of comparisons, followed by AND need to be TRUE in order for the query to be TRUE. 
  • Or: if at least one of the comparisons, or set of comparisons, followed by OR is TRUE, the query will be TRUE.
  • Parenthesis: are available in case you need to set priority between the different lines or set of lines. Once you open parenthesis at the beginning of a line, it needs to be closed at the end of the same line or at the end of the group of lines you would like to prioritize. vyfat1uEG686XrHbP18gcZU3JJA10JDHmg 

Map Workflow Variables to Index Fields

In order to establish the mapping, go to the Map Workflow Variables to Index Fields tab and click on + New Mapping.


Select the Data Source that will fulfill the Index Field.


  • WF Variable: Variables created inside the Workflow you are working on
  • Value: Compare it with a specific value
  • Data Set Variable: This option will only be available if the Action is inside a Loop

 Select the Index Field you would like to assign that source to.


Then type in the Value or select WF Variable.


  • Each relation will be added on a new line by clicking on + Add Mapping.
  • Lines can be deleted by selecting the item on the left and then clicking on Remove Mapping.


After all the configuration has been completed, click on Save to commit the change and return to the workflow diagram.



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