  • 25 May 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Article summary

 GET   /Folders

Request a folder by folder path.

Query Parameters
folderpathStringThe document library path of the folder.
foldernameStringThe name of the folder.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 GET   /Folders/{id}

Request a folder by folder ID.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.

 GET   /Folders/{id}/Folders

Request child folders by parent folder ID.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.

 GET   /folders/{id}/securitymembers

Get the members of a folder by security role.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.

 PUT   /Folders/{id}

Update folder properties.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
Body Parameters
nameStringThe customer name.
descriptionStringDocument description.

 PUT   /Folders/{id}/SecurityMembers

Set the security members of a folder.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
Body Parameters
cascadeSecurityChangesBoolApplies the changes to all child folders of the provided folder.
securityActions{SecurityMemberApplyAction}A list of security actions to apply.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 PUT   /folders/{id}/securitymembers/{childId}

Adds a member to a folder and optionally to all child folders.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
childId*GuidThe user id.
Body Parameters
securityRole**IntThe role type to set.
  • None (0)
  • Owner (1)
  • Editor (2)
  • Publisher (3)
  • Viewer (4)
  • Member (5)
memberType**StringThe member type to apply.
  • User
  • Group
cascadeSecurityChangesBoolApplies the changes to all child folders of the provided folder.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 DELETE   /folders/{id}/securitymembers/{childId}

Removes a member to a folder and optionally from all child folders.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
childId*GuidThe user id.
Query Parameters
cascadeSecurityChangesBoolApplies the changes to all child folders of the provided folder.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 POST   /folders

Create a new folder.
Creates a folder from folderPath provided or TopLevelFolder.
If no folder path provided, naming conventions and record retention maybe specified or inherit naming conventions, and record retention may be specified if providing a folder path.

Body Parameters
folderpathStringThe document library path of the folder.
nameStringThe customer name.
descriptionStringDocument description.
allowRevisionsBoolSets the 'Allow Revisions' status of the folder.
formUploadControlIdGuidThe form control ID if this call originates from an Upload Button form control.
formIdGuidThe form ID if this call originates from an Upload Button form control.
inheritNamingConventionBoolSets the 'Inherit Naming Convention' setting for the folder.
inheritRecordRetentionBoolSets the 'Inherit Record Retention' setting for the folder.
Response Codes

 POST   /folders/{id}

Create a child folder for the provided parent folder.
Creates a child folder of the parentfolderId provided.
Naming conventions and record retention maybe specified or inherit naming conventions, and record retention may be specified.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
Body Parameters
name*StringThe customer name.
descriptionStringDocument description.
allowRevisionsBoolSets the 'Allow Revisions' status of the folder.
inheritNamingConventionBoolSets the 'Inherit Naming Convention' setting for the folder.
inheritRecordRetentionBoolSets the 'Inherit Record Retention' setting for the folder.

 DELETE   /folders/{id}

Remove a folder and all child folders.
Sets the folder status of a folder and all the child folders to 'Purged' if no documents exist in the entire branch.
Sets the folder status of a folder and all the child folders to 'Deleted' if there are documents in the folder branch.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.

 GET   /folders/{id}/documents

Get all documents from a folder.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
Query Parameters
metaonlyBoolReturn only index field metadata.
includesubfoldersBoolAlso retrieve the documents from any subfolders.
offsetStringSets an offset to the start of the search.
limitIntSets a limit to the number of values returned.
sortStringThe name of a data column to sort by.
sortDirStringSort direction.
  • asc: Ascending order
  • desc: Descending order
qStringA VisualVault REST API Data Query.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 GET   /folders/{id}/indexfields

Returns all folder index fields.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
Query Parameters
metaonlyBoolReturn only index field metadata.
formControlIdGuidId of the form control requesting the index fields if called from a form.
formIdGuidId of the form requesting the index fields if called from a form.

 GET   /folders/{id}/indexfields/{childId}

Returns the specified index field for a folder.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
childId*GuidThe index field id.
Query Parameters
metaonlyBoolReturn only index field metadata.

 PUT   /folders/{id}/indexfields/{childId}

Update a folder index field.
Updates a folder index field to override the global index field definition, or to remove the override setting.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
childId*GuidThe index field id.
Body Parameters
overridenBoolSets the index field 'Override' setting.
queryId*GuidThe query ID.
queryValueField*StringThe value to assign.
queryDisplayField*StringThe value to display.
dropDownListId*GuidThe drop down list ID.
requiredBoolSets the index field 'Required' status.
defaultValueStringSets the default value of the index field.

 GET   /folders/{id}/indexfields/{childId}/selectOptions

Return the select options of a dropdown list or other datasource-driven index field.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
childId*GuidThe index field id.

 POST   /folders/copy

Copy a folder to a new location.

Body Parameters
sourceFolderIdGuidFolder ID of the folder to be copied.
sourceFolderPathStringFolder path of the folder to be copied.
targetFolderIdGuidFolder ID of the destination folder to copy to.
targetFolderPathStringFolder path of the destination folder to copy to.

 PUT   /folders/move

Move a folder to a new location.

Body Parameters
sourceFolderIdGuidFolder ID of the folder to be copied.
sourceFolderPathStringFolder path of the folder to be copied.
targetFolderIdGuidFolder ID of the destination folder to copy to.
targetFolderPathStringFolder path of the destination folder to copy to.

 GET   /folders/{id}/alerts

Get all subscriptions for folder alerts.

No Parameters.

 POST   /folders/{id}/alerts/{eventId}

Subscribe a user to a folder alert.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
eventId*GuidThe event id.
Query Parameters
usId*GuidUsId of the associated user.
Response Codes
400Bad Request

 DELETE   /folders/{id}/alerts/{eventId}

Remove a user subscription from a folder alert.

Route Parameters
id*GuidThe folder id.
eventId*GuidThe user id.
Query Parameters
usId*GuidUsId of the associated user.
Response Codes
400Bad Request
404Not Found

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